#NerdsUnite: Is James Bond a Superhero?
Is James Bond a Superhero?
A superhero can be defined as a mythic figure who possesses great strength or abilities, typically portrayed as fighting evil or crime. With this definition in mind, does James Bond qualify as a superhero?

#NerdsUnite: Is James Bond Now a Woman?
Is James Bond Now a Woman?
There is a controversy over the new female James Bond.

#Question: What Does It Mean When Someone Copies Your Body Language?
Have you ever noticed someone copying your body language? You may have wondered what that means. Well, it could mean lots of things, depending on the context, their role in your life, their gender, and their motivation.

#NerdsUnite: What To Say When Someone Says Talk Nerdy to Me
What do you say to someone who says, "Talk nerdy to me?"
Do you try and hold a conversation? Do you quickly excuse yourself from the room? Or do you actually talk nerdy with them?
There's no right or wrong answer as everyone is different, but there are ways to figure out what your personal style is. I'll give some examples of what I would say in certain situations.

#NerdsUnite: How To Know if a Shy Guy Likes You: Body Language Tips and Tells
How To Know if a Shy Guy Likes You: 5 Top Body Language Tells That a Shy Guy Likes You
There are many body language signs shy guys might display.
However, many shy guys will use the same top five body language tells.

#TrueStory: How an actor you know as "that guy" helped tremendously when I needed it the most
Also from this point forth, our hallway parties shall now be called “celebrity endorsed and attended hallway party” just for shits and giggles.
“He knows what they are right?”
“Yep, and how cool is that!!”
We then set up with boxed wine (in a decanter of course) served in our newly acquired Waterford crystal glasses … #poshandpodunk … and set up in the hallway with our neighbors on the floor of our very fancy apartment building.

#Fact: Scientists have proven that sex helps unblock your nose
The Ig Nobel Prize 2021 awards were handed out last night (via webcast due to COVID) and my favorite of them all was the Medicine Prize awarded to Olcay Cem Bulut and colleagues, for demonstrating that sexual orgasms can be as effective as decongestant medicines at improving nasal breathing.

#FYI: How to Keep Your Dog Safe With Dognapping On the Rise
We simply can’t imagine life without our four-legged family members. That’s why we were horrified to learn that approximately 2 million canines are dognapped each year.

#Fact: This is how I obtained tangible proof that I was being stalked (... for 4.5 years)
Standing in Best Buy, I found myself as an actual expert in tech confused by the devices I’ve spent my life helping people understand.
Now out of breath and confidence, I (for the first time) went back to the car empty-handed in both confidences of tech knowledge and devices.