#WTF: And he's out ... the man who hit me in the head with the brick has been released
The courts had reached out two years later (in 2018) asking for a personal statement from me, the victim.
The man in the DA’s office was actually shocked I called as most victims choose not to speak out against their attacker.
Brick or no brick a common theme in my life is that … I. SPEAK. UP.

#WestTexas: Saying good bye to a great and saying hello to @jack outside of a teepee
“I have action items and my next steps. I’ve already ordered the books he suggested. And if I’m understanding him correctly on the ‘disciples study’ (which he also mentioned in the email), my next journey is about transformation and becoming the leader. I keep trying to be a student, but I only need to learn the basics; I have to shed the student skin. Technically speaking ‘disciples study’ is a religious reference but I’m not taking that part, or the shedding my skin part literally.”

#Fact: With great power comes great responsibility
For the last handful of months, I have been prepping to go into formal training for reading body language.
I discovered through a series of events that I literally see things differently. I see “fingerprints” in terms of shapes of people, and when something is “off” I see the person in black and white (while everyone else is in color).
I didn’t have the vocabulary to understand what I was seeing and having never been asked how I know what I know - it didn’t occur to me that what I had was a gift.

#TrueStory: Saturday night I had a police escort home (and it wasn't from going 110 in the Ferrari)
Before we hit alligator alley (the road that goes across the state of Florida on the southern tip), we stopped off at a McDonalds to use the restroom and grab some food. As we were pulling into the parking lot, the founder asked if I would like to drive.
"I'd like to cross 'drive a Ferrari' off my life list, so yes," I said excited.

#Fact: 10 years ago I was placed on a 5150 and spent 48 hours under psychiatric evaluation
I didn't need medicine, I needed to develop coping skills, and with that came the knowledge that things don't bother me the same way (stressors or people) when I'm taking care of myself.
What do I "want to do" or "where I will be in 10 years?" As you can see, I have absolutely no idea, but I am completely okay with the post starting with "this post was so difficult because I'm not that person anymore."
I will never admit to knowing what I am doing, but I'm doing it, and there's nothing crazy about that.

#WTF: Even when I date a chick, I still wind up being the dude.
A few months back, I found myself in a cheeky conundrum; I wanted to have sex, but didn't want to actually have to go through the process of dating someone. I'm on people overload, man. I TALK TO SO MANY PEOPLE BEING IN THE OFFICE, and then going out, and the IDEA of then having to talk about what I JUST experienced on a daily basis to another living being is my equivalent of personal hell.

#Fact: This is how I obtained tangible proof that I was being stalked (... for 4.5 years)
Standing in Best Buy, I found myself as an actual expert in tech confused by the devices I’ve spent my life helping people understand.
Now out of breath and confidence, I (for the first time) went back to the car empty-handed in both confidences of tech knowledge and devices.

#Fact: I've been stalked for the last four and a half years ... and I'm going to tell my story LOUDLY
There are two very serious criminal investigations happening right now.
One is my case of gang stalking, and the other involves someone I worked with for 4 1/2 years and was co-founder of two of his companies.
I was his right hand and built the company with him from day two.
Well, that is until he fired me. Twice.

#NerdsUnited: That time a Silicon Valley star commented on my (now) marriage only to have ANOTHER Silicon Valley star piss me off enough to write about it
From an early age I knew I wasn’t exactly “straight” nor was I “gay” nor would I even (still to this day) classify myself as bisexual.
I call myself a trysexual, which is super accurate. I will literally try anything in life once.

#NerdsUnited: I got married during a global pandemic at the @TreasuryOnThePlaza
In this story, there will be a marriage, two (more) deaths, MIA wedding attendants, MIA parents, a botched bachelorette party, a global pandemic, and a boisterous battle cry for tits and ass.
It’s an honest tale of the reality of weddings - and the SHEER PERSEVERANCE of life in 2020.