#RealDeal: What To Do When You Are Incompatible
The most common reason for the ending of a relationship is incompatibility.
This doesn't mean that you can't get along or share the same house—it means that your fundamental needs and goals in life are different and divide you.

Why Guys Stop Talking to You After a Hookup
After you sleep with them, men might stop talking to you. They're happy to hook up but after that, they never want another date again.
Why does this happen? And what can you do about it? Here's why guys stop talking to you after a hookup.

Can Texting Ruin a Relationship?
Texting is a major part of relationships. Texting can help us connect, stay in touch, prevent problems, and create opportunities for relationships to thrive.
However, texting can also mess up relationships. In fact, texting can even ruin relationships.
Texting can ruin relationships because of all the reasons listed below in this article.

How To End a Relationship
When it's time to end your relationship, it's good to have a plan. It can be difficult to end a relationship, but if you follow some simple steps, you will make it through your breakup with the least amount of pain and drama.

Healthy vs Toxic Relationships
Every day, relationships come and go. Some are short-lived while others last a lifetime. Sometimes relationships can be complicated by other life circumstances such as stress from school or work. Other times, the relationship itself may be complex in nature. While it is normal to have disagreements in a relationship, healthy relationships look and feel very differently than toxic relationships.

#Question: What Are Karmic Relationships?
A karmic relationship is an ongoing connection between two people that extends beyond the lifetime of each individual. The complementary actions, lessons, and needs of both parties have been brought together in this lifetime for resolution.

What Are the 4 Types of Relationships?
There are four types of relationships: toxic, neutral, healthy, and transcendent.
Each type of relationship has its own set of qualities. The following are the defining characteristics of toxic, neutral, healthy, and transcendent relationships.

#NerdsUnite: How To Recover from Toxic Relationships
It's not always easy to realize when you are in a toxic relationship. Sometimes, it can be hard to notice the warning signs. However, there are some definite things that should make you think twice about your relationship if they come up often enough.

#RealDeal: What Is a Symbiotic Relationship?
A symbiotic relationship is typically a close, long-term relationship between two different species. Both species involved in the symbiotic relationship benefit from the association. Symbiotic relationships can be found all over nature, in both the plant and animal kingdoms.
There can also be a type of symbiotic relationship between two people.

How To Know if a Guy Likes You or Just Wants You
It's never easy to tell if a guy likes you or if he's just using you for your body. Sometimes it can be hard to differentiate between the two. If you're not sure whether or not the guy you're interested in really likes you, there are a few things you can look out for. In this article, we'll discuss some of the signs that a guy is only interested in your body. We'll also provide some tips on how to tell if he's really into you.