#Fact: With great power comes great responsibility
For the last handful of months, I have been prepping to go into formal training for reading body language.
I discovered through a series of events that I literally see things differently. I see “fingerprints” in terms of shapes of people, and when something is “off” I see the person in black and white (while everyone else is in color).
I didn’t have the vocabulary to understand what I was seeing and having never been asked how I know what I know - it didn’t occur to me that what I had was a gift.

#WTF: Even when I date a chick, I still wind up being the dude.
A few months back, I found myself in a cheeky conundrum; I wanted to have sex, but didn't want to actually have to go through the process of dating someone. I'm on people overload, man. I TALK TO SO MANY PEOPLE BEING IN THE OFFICE, and then going out, and the IDEA of then having to talk about what I JUST experienced on a daily basis to another living being is my equivalent of personal hell.

r/AskReddit: What was the very first psychological trick you learned that blew your mind?
In this [Talk Nerdy To Me] series, we’ll examine some of the most obscure or popular subreddits.

Talk Nerdy To Me: Did you know cats can be allergic to people?
We regularly perform allergy testing on dogs and cats. One of the allergens we test is human dander. Human dander is the small flaky pieces of skin, hair, and other materials that we all shed 24 hours a day. These flakes float through the air and are also on every piece of furniture and clothing in your home no matter how well you vacuum and clean.

#NerdsUnited: I got engaged during the apocalypse!
Speaking of doing something I haven't tried before, this post is going to be written not just from my perspective, but from my fiancee's as well.
Have you noticed I can't stop using that word ...

#Question: What is the most effective way to "get over" a murder investigation? Answer: A global pandemic
Losing my best friend in a fur coat was devastating. Having my best friend lose his best friend three weeks later was gut wrenching. Coming home from her celebration of life and walking DIRECTLY INTO a murder investigation AND THE PERSON MURDERED WAS YOUR GOOD FRIEND - what else can you do except completely check out.

#TrueStory: I was interviewed in a murder investigation (and cried in front of Katie Couric and Will.I.Am telling them about it) PT 3
Unfortunately, (or fortunately) the detectives wheeled his body out in the middle of the night so I didn't get to see that. Desperate for some sort of something to understand the next day, I went upstairs and saw the results of the CSI agents.

#TrueStory: I was interviewed in a murder investigation (and cried in front of Katie Couric and Will.I.Am telling them about it) PT 2
Fifteen minutes or so went by before I heard a helicopter. I then looked outside and saw the police officer's car, and some sort of a news crew. Combined with the helicopter I knew that I could potentially be in danger - so I reluctantly opened the door as I grabbed my phone preparing to leave in a moment's notice if necessary.

#TrueStory: I was interviewed in a murder investigation (and cried in front of Katie Couric and Will.I.Am telling them about it)
It's easy for me to be angry at everything right now. It's easy for me to withdraw. It's easy for me to cry myself to sleep. What wasn't easy was PUBLICLY crying (particularly in front of someone I consider adjacent to "idol" territory).