Did you know …

“In my practice we regularly perform allergy testing on dogs and cats. One of the allergens we test is human dander. Thankfully, we don't see a very high incidence of positive results (5-10%) compared to other allergens. However, when we do get a positive reading it normally comes as quite a surprise to mom and/or dad.” - From ihatepattycake

Human dander is the small flaky pieces of skin, hair, and other materials that we all shed 24 hours a day. These flakes float through the air and are also on every piece of furniture and clothing in your home no matter how well you vacuum and clean. Because the usual symptoms of allergy to human dander are hives, itchy skin, rash, and inflammation, it is usually mistaken for chronic dermatitis.



r/AskReddit: What was the very first psychological trick you learned that blew your mind?


#Fact: This is how I obtained tangible proof that I was being stalked (... for 4.5 years)