#NerdsUnite: How To Intimidate Someone with Body Language
In this article, we will talk about how these body language gestures influence your ability to intimidate others, why people feel intimidated, and how to tell if someone is being intimidated.
8 Ways To Intimidate Someone with Body Language
Let's look at some proven ways to intimate other people with body language.

#NerdsUnite: Is James Bond a Superhero?
Is James Bond a Superhero?
A superhero can be defined as a mythic figure who possesses great strength or abilities, typically portrayed as fighting evil or crime. With this definition in mind, does James Bond qualify as a superhero?

#Question: What Does Excessive Blinking Mean in Body Language?
Excessive blinking can be a sign of several things. Stress, medical conditions, and tiredness are the leading causes.
Blinking is controlled by muscles that open and close the eyelid to spread tears across the eye. This lubricates the eye and washes away dirt and germs. The average person blinks about 15 times a minute, which translates into 26,000 blinks per day.

#NerdsUnite: Is James Bond Now a Woman?
Is James Bond Now a Woman?
There is a controversy over the new female James Bond.

#RealDeal: Taking a Break in a Relationship (The Ultimate Guide)
Consider this your ultimate beginner's guide to successfully taking a break.
Does Taking a Break in a Relationship Work?
But does taking a break in a relationship really work?
Yes, taking a break in relationships can work. A break gives you time to think about what you really want in the relationship, develop healthy independence, and give each other space to rekindle a romance.

#TruthBomb: 5 Clear Signs of Separation Anxiety in a Relationship
5 Clear Signs of Separation Anxiety in a Relationship: Relationships are all about give-and-take.
You can't be a perfect partner, but you must at least show some effort to make your significant other feel loved and appreciated. If you've been neglecting this part of your relationship lately, then you might have some signs of separation anxiety in your relationship.
It's important to realize that these signs might also have nothing to do with what you have or have not done in the relationship.

#Question: What Does It Mean When Someone Copies Your Body Language?
Have you ever noticed someone copying your body language? You may have wondered what that means. Well, it could mean lots of things, depending on the context, their role in your life, their gender, and their motivation.

#NerdsUnite: 15 Facts About Girls Who Are Nerds
15 Facts About Girls Who Are Nerds
Nerdy girls are often misunderstood.
They’re not just the girls who sit in the back of the class and do their homework quietly. In fact, there’s a lot more to them than that. Here are 15 facts about nerdy girls that will help you understand them better.

#NerdsUnite: What To Say When Someone Says Talk Nerdy to Me
What do you say to someone who says, "Talk nerdy to me?"
Do you try and hold a conversation? Do you quickly excuse yourself from the room? Or do you actually talk nerdy with them?
There's no right or wrong answer as everyone is different, but there are ways to figure out what your personal style is. I'll give some examples of what I would say in certain situations.