Talk Nerdy To Me’s @StaffWriter:

Do you try and hold a conversation? Do you quickly excuse yourself from the room? Or do you actually talk nerdy with them?

There's no right or wrong answer as everyone is different, but there are ways to figure out what your personal style is. I'll give some examples of what I would say in certain situations.

Whether it be going up to a stranger or talking casually to a friend, hopefully, this advice will help you decide how you want to respond when the time comes!

Picking Your Battles

If someone tells me to talk nerdy to them, my first instinct is always just an eye roll and a chuckle because they are probably flirting or being funny.

However, if someone genuinely seems interested in what you have to say, then, by all means, nerd out with them.

It's basically the equivalent of saying "I like you" without actually saying it.

If they are a stranger or someone who you don't know too well yet though, I would recommend opting for something more casual instead. They are likely just trying to get on your good side so that they can continue being friends with you and talking about things that interest both of you will help them achieve this goal.

Turn On Your Nerdy Charm

There are times when someone says this because they want you to turn on your nerdy charm. Don't let them down. Be the hot nerd that you are and let your nerdy light shine.

One thing I love is when my nerdy friends turn their cute charms on, so I will do the same in return.

One of the best ways to flirt with someone is by showing them just how passionate you can be about something they don't really care about (at least for now). If you're able to talk confidently about something that won't bore them to death, then they'll know just how cool of a person you really are and feel more connected to you.

And probably attracted, too.

They'll also learn who you truly are, and if they like what they see, chances are good that things move in a positive direction between the two of you.

20 Ways To Respond When Someone Says, "Talk Nerdy To Me"

Let's get down to the brass tacks—how exactly do you respond when someone says, "Talk Nerdy To Me?"

It depends on the situation and the person.

5 Ways to Respond to a Flirty Stranger

Here are five solid ways to respond to flirty strangers who tell you to talk nerdy to them. One of them is bound to suit your style!

  1. "I actually know some things about this."

  2. "You want me to nerd out? Should we meet up at a coffee shop?"

  3. "Negative Ghost Rider, the pattern is full!"

  4. "I think you're a little nerdier than I am…"

  5. "Ok, but if you want it that bad, then buy me dinner first." (This one is obviously my favorite.)

5 Ways to Respond to a Casual Friend

If they are just casual friend who asks you something like this nonchalantly in conversation, then here are five solid ways to respond:

  1. "You don't even know how nerdy I can get!"

  2. "Only if you can guess at least three of my favorite shows."

  3. "If you're going to talk nerdy to me, at least make it about Star Wars."

  4. "I'm pretty sure you don't want me to nerd out. It can get ugly."

  5. "Ugh, how many times do I have to tell you that I'm not a Manic Pixie Dream Girl?" (Said with a sly smirk and a wink)

5 Ways To Respond When Someone Asks You This Out of the Blue

Here are five solid ways to respond when someone asks you this question out of the blue: One of them might just be the winner!

Just remember that your tone of voice and body language should be playful and fun when you say these lines.

  1. "Yeah...don't call me unless you need help with your math homework though."

  2. "Do you mind if we unpack that for a second?"

  3. "I'll show you my nerd card if you show me yours."

  4. "Really? Are we going to talk nerdy after all this time?" (Said with a wink)

  5. "Hold my Pokémon cards, here we go."

5 Ways to Respond to Someone Who Asks You To Talk Nerdy Over Text

How do you respond over text? Don't worry, we have five great responses for you to consider.

The important thing with texting is to remember that it's super helpful to write very clear and to use emojis and gifts to get your tone across. You don't want to unintentionally come across as a jerk.

Here are five responses when texting:

  1. "What kind of nerd are we talking about? Super Mario or Star Wars?"

  2. "Well, I love all things Hamilton. Do you want to nerd out about that?"

  3. "It kind of depends on if we're going to talk nerdy over text or video. If it's the latter, then I'm your girl."

  4. "I can do better than that—how about a Harry Potter marathon?"

  5. "What do you consider a movie marathon? Two movies? Three? My record is twelve back-to-back."

5 Ways To Respond to a Co-Worker, Professor, or Other Person of Authority

If someone who has power over you at your job, school, or other life situation asks you to talk nerdy to them, then how should you respond?

Here are five possible ways:

  1. "Well, I'm getting my degree in Classics so..."

  2. "You're asking for it now."

  3. "Of course! You should know better than to ask me this. Let's meet up after work though—I think you'll need some time to learn more about your new nerdy friend."

  4. "Answer this question first: What do you consider nerdier? Star Wars or Game of Thrones?"

  5. "If I talk nerd to you then does that mean that I get an extension on my paper?" (Said with a sly smirk and a wink)


So, the next time someone says, "talk nerdy to me," take a moment and think about how you want to respond. If you want to keep it casual and get on their good side before showing your nerdier side, do so. 

Or be bold and turn up your hot nerd charm!

Just make sure that they don't feel like you're using them for their brainpower. That's brain-drain, and nobody wants that.


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