#NerdsUnite: Biggest Tinder Dating Profile Mistakes Guys Make
Guys on dating apps like Tinder make many profile mistakes. Thankfully, there are solutions to Tinder dating profile problems. In this article, we'll go over the most common profile mistakes that men make and how to fix them.

#Question: Why Do People Cheat in Relationships?
When it comes to relationships, people often do things that they know aren't right. They might cheat on their partner, lie about their feelings, or even just refuse to communicate openly and honestly. But why do they do these things? Why do people cheat in relationships?

#Question: What Is a Twin Flame Relationship?
A twin flame relationship is one between two people who are exact or "twin" soulmates. Twin flames are part of the same soul group and will meet, fall in love with each other, and begin their lives together either on earth or somewhere else.

#TruthBomb: What Is an Open Relationship?
When someone thinks of a relationship, they often think that it must be monogamous. Monogamy is defined as having only one romantic partner at a given time. However, some couples choose to have open relationships in which both people can engage in physical intimacy and/or romantic activities with other people outside of their main partnership.

#NerdsUnite: How To Stop Having Expectations in Relationships
Most relationships go through an "expectations phase" where you begin to think about what your partner can do better, how they need to change, and what they should be working on to make things easier or better for you.
This happens a lot when you first start dating someone.

#NerdsUnite: How To Seduce a Man With Body Language
Have you ever wanted to know how to seduce a man with body language? .
It seems complicated when you see it in movies, but when you know what you're doing, it's pretty easy. That's why I'm going to show this simple trick on how to seduce a man with body language in six easy steps.

#NerdsUnite: Is James Bond Now a Woman?
Is James Bond Now a Woman?
There is a controversy over the new female James Bond.

#Fact: With great power comes great responsibility
For the last handful of months, I have been prepping to go into formal training for reading body language.
I discovered through a series of events that I literally see things differently. I see “fingerprints” in terms of shapes of people, and when something is “off” I see the person in black and white (while everyone else is in color).
I didn’t have the vocabulary to understand what I was seeing and having never been asked how I know what I know - it didn’t occur to me that what I had was a gift.

#NerdsUnite: 15 Facts About Girls Who Are Nerds
15 Facts About Girls Who Are Nerds
Nerdy girls are often misunderstood.
They’re not just the girls who sit in the back of the class and do their homework quietly. In fact, there’s a lot more to them than that. Here are 15 facts about nerdy girls that will help you understand them better.

#NerdsUnite: What To Say When Someone Says Talk Nerdy to Me
What do you say to someone who says, "Talk nerdy to me?"
Do you try and hold a conversation? Do you quickly excuse yourself from the room? Or do you actually talk nerdy with them?
There's no right or wrong answer as everyone is different, but there are ways to figure out what your personal style is. I'll give some examples of what I would say in certain situations.