Talk Nerdy To Me’s @StaffWriter:

Nerdy girls are often misunderstood. ::gasp shocking::

They’re not just the girls who sit in the back of the class and do their homework quietly. In fact, there’s a lot more to them than that. Here are 15 facts about nerdy girls that will help you understand them better.

Nerdy Girls Are Often Very Intelligent

Nerdy girls know a lot about a lot of things.

They have a thirst for knowledge that is hard to quench, and they read constantly. They may seem quiet in class, but it’s because they are trying to absorb as much information as they can from their teacher rather than just zoning out or playing around with friends.

They Are Usually Good Students and Have a High GPA

They know that knowledge is important, and they want to have a healthy body of knowledge by the time they graduate. A nerdy girl will typically have a high GPA, and she will likely be ahead of the curve when it comes to academic performance.

If she's still in school, she'll be in advanced classes.

Nerdy Girls Often Have a Deep Passion for Learning

Nerdy girls love to learn.

Even if she is out of school, she's constantly consuming information on new topics. This is not limited to just academic pursuits, either.

She may also be interested in the latest technological gadgets and love to stay up to date with pop culture news.

When They're Interested in Something, Nerdy Girls Know How To Pursue It

People think that nerdy girls aren't passionate because they don't show interest in "traditional" trends.

But that's not true. When nerdy girls get interested in something, they go full force and become an expert on the topic of their interest. For example, if she decides that she wants to watch every episode of a TV show or read all the books in a series, she'll be obsessed until she completes her goal.

Nerdy Girls Are Often Introspective and Analytical

Nerdy girls often like to think about things and figure out patterns or underlying messages. They like thinking about the state of the world and current events, and they may be big into politics — especially if they're at a college-level (or above).

They also enjoy thinking about their lives and figuring out what changes they need to make to be successful and happy in the future.

Nerdy Girls Do Not Need to Be Socially Active to Have Friends

Because they tend to be more introverted, nerdy girls often self-select and maintain friendships with people who are also introverted.

They may not go out as much as other girls their age, but they connect with people through common interests and activities.

They Have a Strong Sense of Curiosity and Are Always Questioning Things

Girls who are nerds question assumptions and stereotypes.

They are always looking at why something is the way it is, and they often see things in a different light than most people. They think outside of the box and force themselves to look at things from another perspective to understand them better.

For this reason, nerdy girls can be very helpful when brainstorming new topics or solving problems.

Nerdy Girls Are Typically Independent and Self-Reliant

Nerdy girls do not need validation from other people to feel good about themselves.

They don't care what other people think and they're always willing to ask questions when they don't understand something. They want to learn, even if that means making mistakes along the way.

Nerdy Girls Are Often Creative

Society tends to focus on the intelligence of nerdy girls, but they are also creative.

They are creative in the way that they problem-solve, but they are also imaginative when it comes to art. Art is an outlet for them, and many nerdy girls say that art is just another form of scientific exploration.

Nerdy Girls Can Be Socially Awkward

Nerdy girls can struggle when it comes to interacting with others.

The truth is that many of them are just as nervous and uncomfortable around boys as everyone else.

So, while you shouldn't assume that all nerdy girls are socially awkward, the stereotype exists for a reason. Nerdy girls can be so smart that they lack standard social skills such as small talk and flirting — skills which are necessary to succeed in our society.

Nerdy Girls Are Very Self-Aware

Nerdy girls can be painfully aware of their own shortcomings and where they fall short. It's not uncommon for a nerdy girl to have a mental list of social faux pas that she commits again and again.

However, this does nothing to diminish her self-knowledge or understanding of what she should try to do differently.

Nerdy Girls Have a Unique Sense of Style

Because they are not as fashion conscious or concerned with looking "perfect," nerdy girls often have an original sense of style.

They don't follow trends, so they're not doing things just because everyone else is doing them.

And even though you might think their outfit makes no sense, it does to them.

You might see them wearing a quirky style such as jelly shoes or suspenders, but that's just who they are!

Nerdy Girls Are Great at English and the Humanities

Because many nerdy girls like to read and write, they tend to be excellent at English and the Humanities.

They also perform well academically, especially in subjects like literature (especially classic literature), history, art history, theater, foreign languages, and philosophy.

Nerdy Girls May Be Overly Critical of Themselves

Believe it or not, nerdy girls are incredibly hard on themselves.

They constantly feel immense pressure to perform well academically, especially if they come from parents who put a high value on academic achievement. Many nerdy girls also feel pressured to do things perfectly and be successful, no matter what it takes.

Since they are highly intelligent, they understand how things are supposed to work, maybe even more than other people.

That gives them extremely high standards and a clear sense of how they compare with top performers.

Nerdy Girls Can Sometimes Come Across as Intimidating or Aloof

Nerdy girls can be intimidating because they're so intelligent and introverted.

Unfortunately, this can come across as aloofness or even snobbery.

Nerdy girls often feel awkward around others, especially people who are popular, athletic, fashionable, and conventionally attractive.

And because nerdy girls tend to be so self-absorbed with their studies and projects, it can seem like they don't care about other people at all. This is actually not true at all.

Final Thoughts

If you're a girl and you consider yourself to be a nerd in some way, then these points probably resonate with you. But even if you don't necessarily identify as a "nerd," I think we can all agree that they are pretty amazing creatures.


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