What Does a Sex Therapist Do?
Many people are confused about a sex therapist's job. In reality, therapists are focused more on teaching healthy coping mechanisms for sexual dysfunction or personal intimacy problems. They do this by exploring the underlying causes of these problems and teaching strategies that will help deal with them in the future.

#Question: What Does It Mean When Someone Copies Your Body Language?
Have you ever noticed someone copying your body language? You may have wondered what that means. Well, it could mean lots of things, depending on the context, their role in your life, their gender, and their motivation.

#NerdsUnite: 15 Facts About Girls Who Are Nerds
15 Facts About Girls Who Are Nerds
Nerdy girls are often misunderstood.
They’re not just the girls who sit in the back of the class and do their homework quietly. In fact, there’s a lot more to them than that. Here are 15 facts about nerdy girls that will help you understand them better.

#NerdsUnite: What To Say When Someone Says Talk Nerdy to Me
What do you say to someone who says, "Talk nerdy to me?"
Do you try and hold a conversation? Do you quickly excuse yourself from the room? Or do you actually talk nerdy with them?
There's no right or wrong answer as everyone is different, but there are ways to figure out what your personal style is. I'll give some examples of what I would say in certain situations.

#NerdsUnite: The 10 Year Challenge (Easy Guide for Beginners)
What Is the 10-Year Challenge?
The 10-Year Challenge is a comparative picture post that shows two images of you side-by-side. One picture of you is from ten years ago and the other picture is of you say you look today.
This trend is also called the "Then and Now" challenge.
Some of the most popular posts include lifestyle details.

#TrueStory: How an actor you know as "that guy" helped tremendously when I needed it the most
Also from this point forth, our hallway parties shall now be called “celebrity endorsed and attended hallway party” just for shits and giggles.
“He knows what they are right?”
“Yep, and how cool is that!!”
We then set up with boxed wine (in a decanter of course) served in our newly acquired Waterford crystal glasses … #poshandpodunk … and set up in the hallway with our neighbors on the floor of our very fancy apartment building.