#NerdsUnite: How can I check if there is an AT&T Internet or Cell Service Outage (2022)?
AT&T has been known to experience service outages from time to time, affecting customer access to their services. If you are experiencing an issue with your AT&T service, there are a few things you can do to try and resolve the issue.

#Fact: Scientists have proven that sex helps unblock your nose
The Ig Nobel Prize 2021 awards were handed out last night (via webcast due to COVID) and my favorite of them all was the Medicine Prize awarded to Olcay Cem Bulut and colleagues, for demonstrating that sexual orgasms can be as effective as decongestant medicines at improving nasal breathing.

#FYI: How to Keep Your Dog Safe With Dognapping On the Rise
We simply can’t imagine life without our four-legged family members. That’s why we were horrified to learn that approximately 2 million canines are dognapped each year.

Talk Nerdy To Me: Did you know cats can be allergic to people?
We regularly perform allergy testing on dogs and cats. One of the allergens we test is human dander. Human dander is the small flaky pieces of skin, hair, and other materials that we all shed 24 hours a day. These flakes float through the air and are also on every piece of furniture and clothing in your home no matter how well you vacuum and clean.