#Fact: Scientists have proven that sex helps unblock your nose
The Ig Nobel Prize 2021 awards were handed out last night (via webcast due to COVID) and my favorite of them all was the Medicine Prize awarded to Olcay Cem Bulut and colleagues, for demonstrating that sexual orgasms can be as effective as decongestant medicines at improving nasal breathing.

#FYI: How to Keep Your Dog Safe With Dognapping On the Rise
We simply can’t imagine life without our four-legged family members. That’s why we were horrified to learn that approximately 2 million canines are dognapped each year.

r/AskReddit: What was the very first psychological trick you learned that blew your mind?
In this [Talk Nerdy To Me] series, we’ll examine some of the most obscure or popular subreddits.

#NerdsUnite: Check yourself before you wreck yourself
<editorsnote>This is a sponsored post. What the sponsor didn't realize is that I HAVE ACTUALLY USED THEIR SERVICE and I'm OVER THE MOON to talk about the importance of sexual health ... well, over the moon or more specifically orbiting Uranus. </editorsnote>

#RealDeal: That time I cold called the man that bought my life rights, trademarks, and intellectual property (PT. 2)
It took two phone calls, one friend request, and two Facebook messages to see this incoming call on May 7th - (22 hours after the last Facebook message read "Hey there: I got your messages. I'm just back in the office this week and will call you.")

#RealDeal: That time I cold called the man that bought my life rights, trademarks, and intellectual property
Remember, when the Talk Nerdy To Me announcement came around the first time - I was living on an island. I had walked away from everything choosing love (which was all I was after in the first place). That love unfortunately (or fortunately) did not last, and as I was standing in my new apartment's kitchen on June 30th, 2014, I got an email from my agents (who I had not talked to in over a year) asking if my blog was for sale.

#FyreFestival: Did I mention I know one of the founders & I'm now featured on their website?
So, now I not only have my own page, but I am currently sandwiched in between Metta World Peace and DMX under featured talent on the home page. That’s honestly a sentence I never thought I would say.

#TrueStory: I took one of my childhood idols as my date to her own movie screening at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery
Never one to back down from a dream or goal I want to accomplish, I clicked CONTACT Cinespia's page typing into the form that I wanted to attend with one of the stars of the film and wondered if there were any tickets left.
Emphasis on "wanting" to attend.
Yes, Rachel and I are legit friends, and I planned on inviting her ... but I also hadn't gotten that far yet and had ZERO confirmation if she would even be okay with this. All I had texted her up until this point was asking if she was available on that night (which she was).

#RealDeal: I went to prom and took molly in front of Moby
I then quickly slid the loose wristband off and walked back outside. Pro tip: when a bouncer of any kind is putting on a wristband, explain to them you feel "claustrophobic" if it's on too tight. When it's loose, you can slide it right off your wrist and pass it to someone else. Before you pass it though, make sure you say "one second, I'll be right back" to the security guard so they have a visual memory of you and you can reenter sans the band. It doesn't work every time, but 9/10, you're good.

#RealDeal: 50 Shades of Friel (that time I became a FinDomme)
... got kicked out of a (coincidentally) crypto-event-based happy hour ... tried talking my way out of it (with a full plate of every food they were offering at the buffet later) ... epically failed ... only to walk back over to the table and ask my friends confused wondering "what gave me away?" My new "girlfriend" and I happened to be stopped by a group of guys as we were leaving, so I wondered if security thought we were "working the event?"
Considering our happy hour tab was SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARSI kinda wish I was "working it."(We had a big group but not SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS big.) Only not selling my body for sex. Cause, that's kinda not my thing. BUT I was a findomme once. And yes, that actually IS a thing.