#RealDeal: Here's what it's like to have your life turned into a TV show (& then to have it actually sell) PT 2
Barely able to speak I explained that in this exact moment I was putting bins inside the Ford Fiesta. I didn't know I needed a sign, but the fact that you are calling me in this exact moment can't be a coincidence. I need to keep going with what I'm doing, I just can't see it all yet.
We cried it out for another minute or two as I thanked him for the call.
"I love you, Friel. You're a good one," he said.

#NerdsUnite: An algorithm for happiness (an understanding of expectation vs reality)
We then make the trek up the hill to my new friend's car, and I could tell within .25 seconds we were going to be friends. Out of everyone in the group, I could tell how down to Earth she was, and could intuitively tell she was going to utter the same sentence of "this isn't really me." I entered in the address quoting that we would arrive by 8:30 (FUCK ME, I thought but didn't say ... my stomach growling, I just want a burger ... and a glass of wine ...).
Before we hit the highway we had discovered that we're both obsessed with our dogs, and are both from back east (she happened to be from MASS and I'm from CT).

#NerdsUnite: The cost of "whatever it takes" ... is it actually worth it - (Part 2)
I got the news that my test was "unremarkable" (which is the MRI term for you're all good in the hood) on a Friday. I chose to work from home since I had absolutely no idea which was the pendulum was going to swing.
Out of all of the theoretical outcomes, the "you're good" made it worse in my mind. I recognized that I had allowed stressors to overwhelm me to such a point that it had finally (as predicted) affected my health.
I wasn't okay with that, and knew I had to immediately make life changes.
It started with closing my laptop and taking a nap that afternoon.

#NerdsUnite: The cost of "whatever it takes" ... is it actually worth it?
"So what has Jen Friel been up to?" she asked as we sat down for an impromptus happy hour (my office happens to be across the street from her building).
With a straight face, and little to no emotion I said, "I've experienced a fundamental shift in the last 30 days, I'm ready to get married and have babies."
YAY!! She said super excited.
My actions weren't mirrored, and without an actual mirror, I'll just have to assume that my face looked something like this ...

#Fetish: I had read this one on Urban Dictionary, but yep, it's actually "a thing!"
If someone had to play him in a movie it would be Eric Dane’s tanner cousin from South Africa (+1 for the accent, swoon!). He had a squint in his eye that could mean 1) he’s been in the sun for too long, or 2) he was attempting to be aloof.
Focusing on my own bottom lines (and not his), I asked if he could tell me more about his world. I grew up fishing, I admitted, but know nothing about commercial fishing and the business models of charters; I want to learn.
Why don’t you come by at 4:30 tomorrow morning. I have a charter, and we’re going out to catch tuna.

#Confession: I had sex with a married man (and btw, I don't regret it) - Part 2
One aspect of my personality that people often get wrong is that I seem like I "jump" into things. I don't jump into anything, I'm calculated crazy.I just so happen to have a super-fast processor, so it never takes me long to make a decision, and I stand by whichever way the wind blows. I've never believed in regrets, only learning experiences.

#Confession: I had sex with a married man (and btw, I don't regret it)
Gray text (him): Hi
Blue text (me): Hi. (the period was deliberate)
Gray text: Have you read my profile?
Blue text: Yes. Why cheat? Why even get married? It's so cowardly.
Gray text: There's more to it than that.
Blue text: OH I'M SURE (capitalization was also deliberate)
He asked me to email him. (For obvious reasons he didn't want to keep talking through Tinder.)
I waited a full 24 hours before sending this ...

#NerdsUnite: Getting attention is one thing, being called to attention is another
You can read the story here, but when my brother was getting picked on in the 3rd grade (I was in 1st), I WWF style “off the top rope” threw myself into his bully and broke up the fight. (Hashtag: Learned behavior from Brett Hart, Yokozono, and Razor Ramon.) Even at that age, I never thought about it or batted an eye - I took care of the situation, and we take care of each other ... fiercely ... and always. </tangent>
Assisting in el brother-ino's success (in whatever means necessary), I made sure to look the part, making my dress a top priority.
There is no better marketing than a woman in a beautiful dress.

#TrueStory: Last night, I went ghost hunting with @RachelTrue from The Craft
I have a knack for leaving one thing (while passively accepting an invitation to another thing) WITHOUT KNOWING that I'm walking into someTHING I am about to very much enjoy. This happens frequently, I now know to listen - not question.
13-year-old Jen is SUPER HAPPY with this life experience - I GOT TO GO GHOST HUNTING WITH ROCHELLE!!!

#Fact: The pun is always intended
As someone who has spoken of many adventures with "stiff" body parts, I bow down to the powers of the internet. Thank you, nerds. These puns are hilarious!