#RealDeal: How To Tell if Someone “Hates” You by Body Language
There are a number of ways someone can express their feelings toward you without opening their mouth. If you know what to look for, the signs they send through body language and posture will confirm how they feel about you.
Keep reading to learn the body language of “hate.”

#NerdsUnite: How To Intimidate Someone with Body Language
In this article, we will talk about how these body language gestures influence your ability to intimidate others, why people feel intimidated, and how to tell if someone is being intimidated.
8 Ways To Intimidate Someone with Body Language
Let's look at some proven ways to intimate other people with body language.

#Question: What Does Excessive Blinking Mean in Body Language?
Excessive blinking can be a sign of several things. Stress, medical conditions, and tiredness are the leading causes.
Blinking is controlled by muscles that open and close the eyelid to spread tears across the eye. This lubricates the eye and washes away dirt and germs. The average person blinks about 15 times a minute, which translates into 26,000 blinks per day.

#NerdsUnite: How To Seduce a Man With Body Language
Have you ever wanted to know how to seduce a man with body language? .
It seems complicated when you see it in movies, but when you know what you're doing, it's pretty easy. That's why I'm going to show this simple trick on how to seduce a man with body language in six easy steps.

#Fact: With great power comes great responsibility
For the last handful of months, I have been prepping to go into formal training for reading body language.
I discovered through a series of events that I literally see things differently. I see “fingerprints” in terms of shapes of people, and when something is “off” I see the person in black and white (while everyone else is in color).
I didn’t have the vocabulary to understand what I was seeing and having never been asked how I know what I know - it didn’t occur to me that what I had was a gift.

#TruthBomb: 5 Clear Signs of Separation Anxiety in a Relationship
5 Clear Signs of Separation Anxiety in a Relationship: Relationships are all about give-and-take.
You can't be a perfect partner, but you must at least show some effort to make your significant other feel loved and appreciated. If you've been neglecting this part of your relationship lately, then you might have some signs of separation anxiety in your relationship.
It's important to realize that these signs might also have nothing to do with what you have or have not done in the relationship.

#Question: What Does It Mean When Someone Copies Your Body Language?
Have you ever noticed someone copying your body language? You may have wondered what that means. Well, it could mean lots of things, depending on the context, their role in your life, their gender, and their motivation.

#NerdsUnite: How To Know if a Shy Guy Likes You: Body Language Tips and Tells
How To Know if a Shy Guy Likes You: 5 Top Body Language Tells That a Shy Guy Likes You
There are many body language signs shy guys might display.
However, many shy guys will use the same top five body language tells.

#TrueStory: How an actor you know as "that guy" helped tremendously when I needed it the most
Also from this point forth, our hallway parties shall now be called “celebrity endorsed and attended hallway party” just for shits and giggles.
“He knows what they are right?”
“Yep, and how cool is that!!”
We then set up with boxed wine (in a decanter of course) served in our newly acquired Waterford crystal glasses … #poshandpodunk … and set up in the hallway with our neighbors on the floor of our very fancy apartment building.

#Fact: 10 years ago I was placed on a 5150 and spent 48 hours under psychiatric evaluation
I didn't need medicine, I needed to develop coping skills, and with that came the knowledge that things don't bother me the same way (stressors or people) when I'm taking care of myself.
What do I "want to do" or "where I will be in 10 years?" As you can see, I have absolutely no idea, but I am completely okay with the post starting with "this post was so difficult because I'm not that person anymore."
I will never admit to knowing what I am doing, but I'm doing it, and there's nothing crazy about that.