#TrueStory: I was interviewed in a murder investigation (and cried in front of Katie Couric and Will.I.Am telling them about it) PT 3
Unfortunately, (or fortunately) the detectives wheeled his body out in the middle of the night so I didn't get to see that. Desperate for some sort of something to understand the next day, I went upstairs and saw the results of the CSI agents.

#TrueStory: I was interviewed in a murder investigation (and cried in front of Katie Couric and Will.I.Am telling them about it) PT 2
Fifteen minutes or so went by before I heard a helicopter. I then looked outside and saw the police officer's car, and some sort of a news crew. Combined with the helicopter I knew that I could potentially be in danger - so I reluctantly opened the door as I grabbed my phone preparing to leave in a moment's notice if necessary.

#TrueStory: I was interviewed in a murder investigation (and cried in front of Katie Couric and Will.I.Am telling them about it)
It's easy for me to be angry at everything right now. It's easy for me to withdraw. It's easy for me to cry myself to sleep. What wasn't easy was PUBLICLY crying (particularly in front of someone I consider adjacent to "idol" territory).

#ThatAwkwardMoment: When the girl who has a TV show based on her life goes out with a guy who has a movie based on his
"Have you seen [insert movie title here]?"
Oh shit, I thought, he's not actually kidding knowing that the movie he mentioned was actually based on a true story.

#RealDeal: That time I cold called the man that bought my life rights, trademarks, and intellectual property (PT. 2)
It took two phone calls, one friend request, and two Facebook messages to see this incoming call on May 7th - (22 hours after the last Facebook message read "Hey there: I got your messages. I'm just back in the office this week and will call you.")

#RealDeal: That time I cold called the man that bought my life rights, trademarks, and intellectual property
Remember, when the Talk Nerdy To Me announcement came around the first time - I was living on an island. I had walked away from everything choosing love (which was all I was after in the first place). That love unfortunately (or fortunately) did not last, and as I was standing in my new apartment's kitchen on June 30th, 2014, I got an email from my agents (who I had not talked to in over a year) asking if my blog was for sale.

#FyreFestival: Did I mention I know one of the founders & I'm now featured on their website?
So, now I not only have my own page, but I am currently sandwiched in between Metta World Peace and DMX under featured talent on the home page. That’s honestly a sentence I never thought I would say.

#NerdsUnite: Sex Toys Can Close The Orgasm Gap Once And For All
The orgasm gap is a highly contested phenomenon in the modern age. Simply put, the orgasm gap refers to the fact that in male-female sexual encounters the orgasm of the male is essentially guaranteed while the orgasm of the female is a bit more up in the air. Stack up this disparity in orgasms over a few dozen sexual encounters and we have ourselves a very legitimate and very easy to pinpoint orgasm gap.

#NerdsUnite: I'm a mistress in training, can you help me with my foot slave?
Step one in exploring any sort of fetish is to decide what you are comfortable with. It's not easy in the beginning (because how do you know what you want/like if you haven't experienced it), but I promise you, this will get easier.
Each slave that I had had very specific and different fetishes (all under the umbrella of being a foot fetish). I have had 8 in total over the years (with one that I met with but did not accept).

#ThatAmazingMomentWhen: I got stopped at TSA because of my dildo ... (did I mention this happened twice?)
By the time he began unzipping (this was only as far as he had gotten at this point), I paused him.
"Sir, I would like to go to the additional screening room," I said loudly.
One, because I'm pretty certain he was hard of hearing and two, because I wanted to be firm.
He looked confused at my request.
"This isn't for me," I explained. "It's for you."