#WillSmith: When a slap is the sign of a "snap"

#WillSmith: When a slap is the sign of a "snap"

The slap on the Oscars last night was not a stunt, it was a sign of one of the “last true movie stars” snapping in a world that now to “win” requires an obscene and uncomfortable amount of oversharing.

Obscene and uncomfortable for some … Will Smith is arguably one of the last “true Hollywood stars” who is now very publicly struggling between relevancy and establishing a legacy.

Both came to a head last night, and it’s as ugly as it sounds.

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#NerdsUnite: The Body Language of Rejection
body language, Header, main page Jen Friel body language, Header, main page Jen Friel

#NerdsUnite: The Body Language of Rejection

Rejection is one of the most common and difficult experiences that we face in life. It can be especially hard when it comes from someone we care about, like a friend or family member. We may feel like we did something wrong, or that there is something wrong with us. We may wonder what we could have done to make them reject us.

In this article, we'll cover everything you need to know about the body language of rejection.

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#NerdsUnite: 10 Tips To Survive The Mid-Relationship Apocalypse

#NerdsUnite: 10 Tips To Survive The Mid-Relationship Apocalypse

There are moments in every relationship that can be classified as "rough patches." We've all been there. But what should you do when you feel like you're in a place where it's more than just a rough patch?

Should you talk to your partner about what's going on? Should you start to distance yourself from them and take time for yourself? Or is it something else entirely?

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