#TrueStory: Saturday night I had a police escort home (and it wasn't from going 110 in the Ferrari)
Before we hit alligator alley (the road that goes across the state of Florida on the southern tip), we stopped off at a McDonalds to use the restroom and grab some food. As we were pulling into the parking lot, the founder asked if I would like to drive.
"I'd like to cross 'drive a Ferrari' off my life list, so yes," I said excited.

#Fact: 10 years ago I was placed on a 5150 and spent 48 hours under psychiatric evaluation
I didn't need medicine, I needed to develop coping skills, and with that came the knowledge that things don't bother me the same way (stressors or people) when I'm taking care of myself.
What do I "want to do" or "where I will be in 10 years?" As you can see, I have absolutely no idea, but I am completely okay with the post starting with "this post was so difficult because I'm not that person anymore."
I will never admit to knowing what I am doing, but I'm doing it, and there's nothing crazy about that.

#NerdsUnite: Three deaths in 30 days ... I sent condolences to the aunt, but when do I get to say "uncle?"
I want to challenge myself with something I've never done before. Instead of writing out what happened next in this series of posts ... I want to write it in reverse chronological order. The reason why this is challenging for me is because I have a photographic memory and when I write I can (with the help of headphones) completely relive my life experiences. I've never done it backwards, but considering how "upside down I feel" it seems appropriate.