#NerdsUnite: Imma bag me a Harvard boy! (Live tweet bar crawl) PART DEUX
Well hello there, fancy seeing you again. Come here often?
What's up! I'm back at Starbucks in Harvard Square!
Cue 4sq checkin ...
No douchey mcdouchster and blond chickadee is going to keep this nerderino down!! Not going to happen, friends!
So ... last week, I tried live tweeting a bar crawl in which I attempted to meet a Harvard duderino. Here's a little spoiler for you - it was HOORRRIIIBBLLLEEEEE!!! (Read more here)
I want to try it again and see if it is just me, or if there were other factors involved. For example, Harvard is now back in session, and apparently peeps around here don't party during the week. Thursday night is the earliest they start to hit the bars - so the odds were totally against me last week in two really big ways by choosing to start the bar crawl on a Monday and by not having the kids even in school. Jen Jen fail on that one!
To isolate as many of the variables, I am wearing the same exact dress from last week, with my vans ... this time however, I am bringing in an all-star ... oh yes, I am going to sit at the bar and have my big ass camera out.
SOOOO many dudes come up to ask me about the camera!!!
If guys can bring puppies to parks to meet chicks, a nerdy girl can bring her fucking work camera to a bar.
haha - of course I'll be superly duperly careful with it around liquids, but I'm like that anyway with my tech toys. *sigh* A nerd's day never ends.
But yah, I'm super stoked. I'm going to even go out on a limb and predict that I will meet two duderinos tonight with this thing. Mark. My. Words.
YAYYYYY for pitch hitters!! mwahahaahahahahahahaahaha
Tune in to my twitter feed @JenFriel (or if you don't want to follow, you can just click here to read the feed for the hashtag #nerdsunite - I'll be using that as well) I'll start live tweeting at 9pm EST. Please also dudes, if you happen to be in Harvard Square please please please do not tell people who I am or what I am doing - that's super douchey ... and no one likes a douche. I'm really serious about this, and I'm also trying to work on my own IRL social awkwardness by being at bars and what not. Can't be mad at someone trying to better themselves - whoop whoop!
Keep on keepin on!