Como say, #WTF was that?!
DUDES!! omg omg omg omg, I totes had the weirdest dream last night. Okay, remember the story of my first love, Romeo? (It's cool if you haven't read it yet. It's a 4 part-er, and pretty epic man - as humbly as possible, but that's some next level movie shit that we had goin on.) Super rad dude, but as I found out from contacting him on Facebook, he now has a new lady love - and they're serious. NOOOOOOOO!!!! Goes the nerdy chick. haha. I was sad. Super duper sad. But either way, I TOTALLY had a dream about him last night!!
I was walking into this house, which was owned by this dude I went on a date with once. He's a big partier, and kind of a big deal in the Venice scene - so his parties are pretty epic.
I was wandering around the house, and I saw Romeo there. We embrace and sit down at the kitchen counter together. Mind you too, this place is a madhouse. There are people everywhere, it's day time, but people just ... all over.
I sit down across from him, and we start talking - only our mouths aren't moving, we're speaking telepathically.
I ask how things are going with his relationship, and if he is happy. He doesn't say anything, he just shoots me this look and we start making out.
<tangent> Even in my dreams I am reaping myself super bad karma, btw. UGHHH!!!!! Being cheated on sucked man (albeit, you can read the story of the Mentalist here. He technically speaking didn't cheat since we "were not in a commited relationship" but just read the damn story and make up your own mind). </tangent>
We then went to the bedroom and made love. Ughhhh!! So beautiful!!! I don't make love, like ever, at all. I bone. I love love love love loveeeee me some boning - I'm a horny bitch. But I've known this dude for 7 years, and we're kinda past the point of all of that, and he's kinda like a brother to me, for lack of a better word. I would never imagine having sex with my brother (OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG take away the mental picture) - but we have a super deep bond, and he's I dunno, my dude. hahaha omg seeing him naked again was AH-MAZING!!! He's got a super smokin bod. I totally had to masturbate this morning, and completely missed my pilates class.
haha oh well.
I don't know what will ever happen to Romeo and I. I hope we can get to the point where we can be friends, but he made it clear in his last email to me that he couldn't see me, which translates to: I still have feelings for you. It sucks, but story of my life. Professionally speaking I have the BEST timing ever. Personally speaking? I am light years away.
Excuse me while I go look up pictures of him on Facebook, and old pictures of him on Myspace. mwahahahahaha!!
PS. OH and dudes! I totes have a date tonight. It's a pretty epic story actually ... I don't want to tell it yet because I'm still experiencing it. But it's gonna be good. Really really really good. =) stay tuned