They're Talking Nerdy Baby ... #NerdsUnite

Looky looky the email I got last night ... 


Here is the post this is referencing, btw. 

Thanks so much for this! I learned a lot from this experience, and I literally cannot get over how much the universe is throwing in my face right now the lesson of speaking my personal truth. It's insane, but like you said in the email - it really is. that. simple. All you need to do is say. what. you. feel. 

I'm a recovering people pleaser, and all that I know from being that way was that it lead me to a nervous breakdown at 22. You can't make people happy all of the time, all you can do is be true to YOURSELF and what YOU want and understand that life being reflective and like energy attracting, your set of circumstances will change based upon that. Everybody will not like you all of the time - period end of sentence. But what in us feels the need to please? What in us doesn't feel whole or complete enough that we have to seek the outside validation of pleasing others as a means to please ourself? It's a COMPLETE disservice and a temporary high - not a means to an end. I had to find my own voice, and find my own shiznat before I could ever truly find "happiness." Of course too, it's all a personal thing, and I'm still very much living on my journey - but I'm documenting and that increases my self awareness which makes my own role in situations like last Wednesday more apparent. 

Thanks for reading and thanks for reaching out!! =) 

Got something to say? Drop me an email! JenFriel at TalkNerdyToMeLover d c 

Peace love and lollipops nerderinos!! 



#Romeo: An update ... kind of


#NerdsUnite: The Ramblings of a Raconteuse (Thank You Krysten Ritter)