#Adventures in Adventuring: I'm headed to NYC, trick!

Wahoo!! Just got my flight and hotel info confirmed (yes, hotel - not hostel) ... and looks like I'll be in NYC on the 27th of Feb til March 1st.


See, I'm working with this super duper rad startup that is doing some CRAAZZYYYY shit that I don't think ... I KNOW will cause a lot of hub bub in the online community. 

It's basically a website where you can go and review your friends/ dates. Think of it as yelp, but for people - and kinda like what your Facebook or OkCupid page would look like if your friends or last girlfriend made it for you. 

It's friggen GENIUS what they are doing, and the guys behind it are TOTAL hustlers and are getting it done. 

I can't WAIT to tell you all more about it, and I can't WAIT to spend the week with them. 

Plus, they're paying and dudes, I'm going to be sleeping in a KINNGGG SIIZZZEEE BEEEEEDDDDD in some fancy pants upgrade literally in the heart of Times Square.

The view is going to be redic, and you know what a girl like me is going to do with a king size bed ... 




Obvi this is a work trip for me, but I'll absolutely be checking in on Foursquare places that I go, and will definitely make time for anyone that lives in the city and wants to kick it. 

So much freaking love, nerderinos. Keep on hustling! 


Oh yeah, and have we dated? And would YOU like to review me? Check this out!! 


#FoodForThought: The Adventures of Fanny and Olive (gettin' figgy with it)


#NerdsUnite: Play on playa! (Breaking down the world of sports so you don't have to!)