#NerdsUnite: And just like that ... she's gone.

I can't write about this yet from both an artistic and family enduced embargo, but my grandmother died Tuesday evening. (I found out yesterday morning.) 


I've written about our dynamic before - and to this day actually it is one of the most popular and most commented on posts by you guys anytime we meet up IRL. 

This woman shaped my childhood and caused me tremendous, tremendous pain. 

I am now not only not going to the funeral (choosing instead to focus on my future and not the past), but I am forced to grieve 3,000 miles away from my parents and my brother. 

I genuienly can't stop crying. Not even for the loss of the person but for this vacant dynamic that I fought my ENTIRE childhood to be filled. 

I know this too shall make me stronger and this too shall pass, but I made it completely through my day yesterday before I just looooossssssssttttt it. 

I'm not okay, and that's alrite to admit. I need to remind myself at times to not be a martyr and just be a human being. (Which is especially hard in running a business and genuinely having no option BUT to just get shit done.) 

Today, I need to cry. Thank you for all your kind words. 


xoxo #nerdsunite


#Fact: I just gotta get through this ...


#NerdsUnite: The Ramblings of a Raconteuse (Food Matters)