#HowTo: merge your fantasy self with your IRL (in real life) self

It amazes me how many people do not know IRL means. It's like, what? Were you people actually cool growing up and had "actual friends" so you never had to differentiate your IRL friends from your online buds? Huh? Huh? You were cool, weren't you!??! ::smf:: Fine, just don't try to still stuff me in a locker and I'm kosher for passover.

Alrite, soooooo I'm super excited for two things tomorrow.

1) TNTML has a SUPER SUPER SUPER HUUGGGEEEE announcement coming to you all at 11:08 am PST exactly. And yes, it is 11:08 for a very specific reason. So specific if I told you I'd have to kill you, and to kill you before the BIGGEST NEWS TO EVER HIT TNTML would be like the worst thing ever. I'm not that cruel.

2) Friday night I'm totally going to get my freak freaked by this super hot couple!!!

Like they're seriously hot ... so hot I'm talking about them beforehand. HMMMMM lemme give them a nickname ... Ah yes, let's call them Mr. And Mrs. Smith.


I met Mr. and Mrs. Smith last year while on one of my 103 dates in 9 months. Did I mention that one of the 103 dates was a female? Yep! Really rad chica.

On the night of our date (aka the night that the hot half naked chick also rocked my spirithood), this couple happened to be in the group and were TOTALLY on the prowl. They're friends with the chica I had the date with, and because that chica is so smokin - she has other smokin friends ... so bottom line everyone has a good time.

I was turned on by the couple and their advances, but I was SUPER awkward because here I am ... on a date with a chick ... receiving sexual advances from a couple.

Hello? The porno of my dreams? Yes - hi this is Jennifer.

<tangent> FTR, I'm neither here nor there on chicas. I'm not bi, nor am I a lesbian ... BUUUTTT I am COMPLETELY turned on by threesomes, and utterly adore foreplay with a chica.

Dudes, boobs are like the greatest thing EVER and chicks are WAYYYY better kissers than dudes ... so yeah! It just needs to happen.

Bottom line though, when it comes to what actually stimulates me sexually in my noggin and in the punana is the penis. I need dick, and ... bad. </tangent>

So, we've stayed friends across all social networks for the last year, and it kind of amazed me watching this couple's pictures post every weekend; they look like the most SATISFIED couple I have ever seen on Facebook.

I'm NOT even kidding you. It's so impressive, and I want to learn from them.

They go after what they want, they make no excuses about it - and energetically speaking, they're just doing what they want to do.

How amazing is that? How can this REALLY be that simple?

I like threesomes ... so why don't I go and have one so I too can be sexually satisfied?

Wait, really? That's it??? There HAS to be a catch???


So, I got invited to this birthday party and then from there the couple and I are going to get our freakidy freak freak on after all the cameras get put away.

It was all done over Facebook, and over text for the last few weeks ... and I'm pretty excited mixed with a side of nervous. 

See, I talk up this BIIIIGGGG game of all of my sexual adventures ... but that's just because I have no shame. Through documenting so much of my life over the last two years, nothing seems to phase me anymore. No matter how weird, strange, or obscure the thought, feeling, or fantasy was that I posted on ... someone ... SOMEWHERE would email me saying, fuck yah! Me too!!

I then delved deeper into my psyche ... and deeper ... and now I'm somewhere where I am today.

I have ZERO problem posting about my sexual shenanigans, but I gotta admit the shy human being that actually experiences all of this still gets INCREDIBLY nervous.

When it comes to business and when it comes to ANYTHING professionally speaking - I'll throw down. I do whatever it takes to get the job down, putting down the ego and picking up the hustle - but when it comes to me having to not only articulate these fantasies that I have, but then execute them .... AHHHHHH!! It scares me!!!

It's scary merging your fantasy self with your actual self. We're nerds!! We're neurotic, and introverted ... even when you're crossing off bucket list items, like I do every day, I still get scared man.

Fortunately, this couple is INCREDIBLY warm (and INCREDIBLY freaky), so I know I am in good hands ... but it's not easy. It's one thing to sit there and to fantasize about this life that we one day want to lead sexually, it's another to actually live it and not laugh.

OMG OMG OMG do NOT ask me talk dirty. I can't talk about how hard your ::snicker:: penis is ::snicker:: without sounding like a giggling school girl.

What I have learned though in acting some of these fantasies out - is that it's okay to be in your brain. It's a step by step process. As a teen you watch (or in my case read porn) ... as an adult now you're expected to be a participant. Is there an adjustment period to this?

But like the time I discovered how awesome the mirrors were in my bedroom, there is always a happy medium. This couple didn't just wake up last week and decide to let their freak flag fly - this has been a process for them ... so it too will be a process for me.

Deep breath Friel.

This is going to be fun ...


I'll livetweet as much of the evening as possible until I am sexually speaking incapacitated (without revealing the identity of the couple, of course, to respect their privacy). I'm meeting up with everyone around 10pm PST. Soooooooo, if you wanna stay tuned to what is going on in real time - follow me on the twitter. Those crazy kids with their 140 characters! They be so cray cray! YAY LIFE!


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