#ShitGotReal: The Talk Nerdy To Me, Lover business plan was written on the back of a tablecloth

HAHAHA!! I'm totally not even kidding either.

So, today, I totes had a super fancy pants big kid meeting with this duderino who is an UBERLY BIG financial guru/ venture capitalist. Like straight up, down, left and right - super big deal. Super super super big deal. Dudes, after we talked on the phone last week he sent me his book before we met today. LOOK AT THIS THING!!


OMG I've been doing SO much reading in the last week. BAHHH!!

But yeah, I'm currently writing my first book, and with the TV show and all - it's about time I filed for an LLC, and reach out to get some seed money. (I met this dude, btw through the suits for the pilot. Unbelievably rad dude.)

Dudes, it's SUPER exciting cause he totes sees a heap load of potential, and has offered to help reach out to someone for me.

I'm like beyond, beyond, beyond super grateful - this is like life changing.

AHHHH even just the business plan he wrote me, so friggen valuable ... look at this thing!!

He ran out of paper so he grabbed one of those paper table cloths from the outside eating area of Chin Chin (a posh chinese restaurant in Sunset Plaza). He started laughing, he's like - this fits your story SO perfectly!!

So there you go! I haven't had a business plan for this site ... at all. I wasn't sure what my business was at the time. Now, we're kosher - we have a plan of action, and next doable steps to execute.

Holy crapola!!! This is getting real. Like really really real.

Now it's time to play, man. I'm SOOOO ready for a challenge and superly duperly ready to run this as a biznass.

OMG!! I am LOVING life right now!!

Do what you love. Do what you love. Do what you love.

Always, and forever.

There is SUUUUCCHHHHHHHHHHHH value in it!!!!


PS. Thanks so much for the lunch today duderino!! MMMMM lo mein = yummy in mah tummy!!! =) =) =)

OMG I am totally framing that thing!!! YAYY!!



#NerdsUnite: Minute Mingle with Meghan Brown


#Question: What is the difference between being in “love” and being “comfortable”?