Fun with #OKCupid: 3 emails ... 3 different responses
Alritey then, just got some emails on OKC and wanted to talk about what worked, and what didn't work about each one. Anddddd away we go!
This email was kinda weird to me. First off, I'm only a 36% of a match with the duderino. That is SUPPPERRRRRR low for me. I average at about 75% with dudes on the site - hence why I chose 85% as a prerequisite for compatibility when I started the experiment. So 36 is like oil and water territory.
Me be Jane, he be ... a giraffe. Ain't nothin gonna happen between Jane and a giraffe.
A monkey maybe. Giraffe? No way.
Seems like a nice enough guy though. I appreciated him reaching out because he was interested in my experiment. Complimenting me on both my looks and intelligence will also score brownie points.
However, I do find it odd though that he says his interest is peaked, but he has no desire to read the blog post attached to the profile. I'm not mad at it either way, just go do your thang! But it's the people that say, oh, I'd never read ... or no, I never look at your site are the ones that make me laugh the most because I know they're reading it a lot! Ain't no shame! But with a response like that, I kinda feel like you'd be the kinda dude that would also pull my hair on the playground in trying to get my attention.
Also, and one last thing ... "haven't attempted contact?" what does that mean! Why are you on an online dating site if you aren't looking to contact people? Ohhhhh the shy willies!! Maybe he just needs some breaking in!!
My response: Hello, back!
HAHAHA this guy is hilarious - look at how much he wrote without even saying a damn thing. If he had picked one specific detail in my profile ... like hey, I love ... that you mentioned - I would have replied back. Period end of sentence. This not only makes me feel like he's a bit unsure of himself, but it also feels like a super super super generic cut and paste email. BIG no no for online dating.
My Response: None
OMG OMG OMG OMG YES!!! Seeing an email like this totally wets my nerdy knickers!!! Dudes, this email is PERFECT!! He pulled something specific from my profile (being from Connecticut), related it back to himself (creates a common bond, and potentially an emotional connection), and he leaves the email open ended.
My Response: rad! been here 7 years! what part of new england?
Click here to view my OKC profile. I'm no longer accepting dates, but am totes avail to help out with your profile or anything. Hit me up ... but not all Tina Turner style, cause like, that would hurt.