#Fact: The Journey is the Destination ...
I've had to be reactive for the last 24 hours or so on the site, which feels uncomfortable for me; I'm not a reactive person. BUT! I'm going to roll with it ... here's a bit of what's bouncin around in the noggin ...
This site is about the journey, not the destination. I'm very honest that I have no idea what the end is, but I know I am having SO MUCH FREAKING FUNN!!! It is a special time in this space, where helping people out with a little bit of education can get you a WHOLE lot. I just love love love love love social media. I'm learning all about it, right along with you guys - and just posting things that I see. If it sounds that simple, it is. I'm just being, and I just are-ing. This is why I don't take on "traditional advertisers" or any of that other left brained mumbo jumbo people try to cram down my throat all day everyday. I've invited you all into my diary. I only post on things that I think are cool, and I have no real obligation to anyone or anything because I haven't asked for anything in return. Later this year when we do officially become official as far as filing for licenses and what not - then things will change. Right now, I can take risks ... I can very literally do whatever I want, so I'm going to. I recognize that yes, I have built something, but I want to see how it stands on its own legs - and how it can find its own voice. I'm doing this all at the same time of course as I get my own! I'm human. I just happen to be broadcasting every step of everything that I am doing with a peanut gallery chiming in along the way.
I have never been more proud of anything in my entire life than I am of this website.
Are there things that I can't publish? Absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely. Dude, we're making a pilot; I can't talk about ANY of that. But its very honestly neither here nor there. I publish things that I am doing, or things people have posted because whether or not it "works out" (whatever that means), I understand it is a piece of the puzzle, and will eventually be a part of getting me to wherever I want to go. Where is that place? I have no clue - it's the journey not the destination, and on this path I have nothing to lose. I only ask one thing of the writers or the lifecasters on this site, share with me your passion. Only write about things that interest you. Attitude is EVERRYYTTHIINNGG in life, and its all about how you roll with the punches, and play the card you are dealt. That is what I do everyday. Dude, I'm STILL homeless, just not without a home. I can't afford a meal, but I never go hungry. There is value in whatever this is that I am able to do, I just don't know what the whole story is. I'm inviting you all along for the ride, and if you find it doesn't tickle your pickle - awesome! It's the internet, no one is holding you hostage. Go out, take your OWN risks in this space!!! I'll get all Waterboy and say, you can do it! Because YOU CAN! I know, because I was able to. And if you need help, reach out! You don't G-E-T if you don't A-S-K!
Social media made life's intangibles tangible for me. It opened my eyes, it is only my hope that I am able to do the same in return.
All my love and all my heart xoxo #nerdsunite
PS. And as far as my commitment to get out of my own head yesterday, later this afternoon, I will be headed over to a homeless shelter to offer to be of service. Let's get 'er done, nerds!! RAWWRRRR =)