Happy happy joy joy ... Not
BAHHH!! I am having like the most out of body awesome-est bo boss-omest week ever, and all I can think about is ONE person!! This is abnormal, and completely out of character on so many levels. So, update for you all from previous post, did tell boy that I thought 2 weeks were needed for him to just clear his head a bit, and me to be able to focus on all of my work shizzy shiznat. We are in week 1.
Did go out on one OKC date last Thursday, the human body chemist - dude, he was RAD! Really liked him a lot, like for reals - we're definitely gonna kick it again ... but this other dude stole my heart. He STOLE it when I wasn't even looking. So not fair. I catch myself getting so angry too, because HE read this site, created the profile, and contacted ME! Albeit, I did send an APB to the universe ... blahhhhhh. Be careful what you wish for. Confession: I broke down tonight and wrote him 3 lines of text in a Facebook message. Dude, I am such a fucking puppy dog over this guy. What is WRONG with me?! STOP IT JEN!!!
I just miss him. He's this new little buddy that came out of nowhere that I clicked with. The buddhist in me is grateful for time spent ... but my heart longs. and longs. and longs. and that's the short of it.
I'll get over it soon. I hope ... out of sight, but not out of social media MINNNDDDD!! BUGGAR!!!!
Next OKC date on Thursday. He's taking me to Dinner in the Dark in Santa Monica. Now THAT sounds rad. Also implies that he is incredibly ugly. I've seen his pics though - definitely cute ... maybe we can get kinky with the croutons. MMMMM CRROUUTTONNNSSSS. Oh yeah and my OKC profile is back up!!!! Thank goodness! Don't know what happened - but super grateful. Thanks so much OKC!