#Randombling: That Nerdy Chick
Randombling: A 5 minute long unedited random stream of consciousness produced by a nerd for nerds.
#nowplaying: Time after Time - Cyndi Lauper
Scared. Stressed. Excited. Scared. Stressed. Excited. Scared Stressed Excited.
We're still waiting back for the news from the suits. This is utterly amazing that the negotiations have gone on for this long ... but scary as fuck, being on this end of it and not really sure what's happening. The deal is really none of my business ... I'm kinda happy about that ... but amazing since these hollywood gods are all sitting in a room discussing something that will change the rest of my life. For reals, the pilot is called, Talk Nerdy To Me, Lover. Based on the life and times of Jen Friel. Even if we get ONE episode that airs just ONCE on a major network ... based on what we did with the tech side, I will be kept very busy doing shit that I LOVE to do for like ever.
It's fucking nuts. I can't believe these people are sitting there basically deciding on the rest of my life ... right now. Like right right now.
Amazing. Humbling. Scary.
We did at one point on Thursday get something from someone, and I know its going to "work out," whatever that means ... but this big of a deal with these big of suits behind it require a lot of dotting the t-s and crossing the i-s (hehehehe ize made a funnize). Next week I'm going to be up to my eyeballs in learning all about intellectual properties and yada yada yada. YAYY!! Lawyers! Dude, this stuff makes my head hurt - you have no idea. I'm an artist, I just want to create, do cool shit, and collab with talented people. That's life, and that's what makes it all worth living.
Do what you love, and be you. It blows my mind that all of this was really that easy. It just creates this COMPLETE shift in consciousness too and the creativity that results from it ... amazing. Wow. Your senses are just SO heightened! I sound like a total wackadoodle noodle, but MAN! I've spent the last year feeling ALIVE for the first time. I just ... wow. Crazy. Overwhelming. Crazy. Overwhelming. Completely absorbed in gratitude.
Thanks nerds. Back to watching Pulp Fiction.
xoxo #nerdsunite