#FileUnder: Best Christmas Present Ever
So, I am the WORST person in the world to buy a gift for. For reals, man - I'm a minimalist. I don't like things ... at all ... period end of sentence.
I am literally tearing apart my room all this weekend to get rid of even MORE shit just because I am getting so anxious at the thought of having so much around me.
That being said ... my parental units wanted to buy me something this year for Christmas.
The conversation went something like this:
My actual parents. Say hi to the nerds mom & dad ... nerds say hi to my parental units!
Mom & Dad: Hello daughter, we would like to buy you something for Christmas this year as a token of our love and appreciation for you.
(FTR - my family and I do actually talk like this.)
Me: I appreciate it mother and father, but I don't need anything.
Mom & Dad: Christmas isn't about needing anything, daughter - it's about what do you WANT.
Me: No, I'm serious mother and father - I don't want anything.
Mom & Dad: Daughter - what. can. we. buy. you.
Me: I am a corporate sponsored minimalist, technically speaking it would go against my entire business plan to accept a gift not based on a sponsorship.
Mom & Dad: ??
Me: ????
Mom & Dad: ???????????
Me: Fine. I'd like an electric blanket snuggie knock off that I found on amazon. I can't seem to locate the company anywhere so sponsorship might be a bit weird.
Mom & Dad: Was that so hard to ask for?
Me: yes, yes it was.
Now, thanks to my mom and dad - I own this ...
It's an electric blue electric blanket snuggie thing. I've never owned an electric blanket or a snuggie before - but I've been traveling to some pretty cold places lately and you can only stay so warm sitting on your Macbook pro power adapter.
It's from this crowd called Coz-e, and it's pretty rad. I'm totally the kinda person that turns on the heat in the car just so I can open the windows ... so the oversized sleeves and electric warmth-ness fits me pretty perfectly.
It's nice too because it shuts off automatically so feel free to rock this bad boy at night and not worry about your drooling habit electrocuting you.
You can read more about it here - and just Amazon it for the best deals.
Thank you mom and dad again for the really rad gift - it went outside of my business model and purpose in life, but for this, I shall make an exception.
Now excuse me, but I'm watching The Notebook and it's at the good part ...