#Amazeballs: Welcome @TNTML to the twitter

SOOOO, in an effort to make us all official and like fancy pants since we're becoming a super big biz and all, I am happy to announce that TNTML has a company twitter! 

Dudes, did you read Ben Parr's announcement??? Kind of amazing. Not gonna lie. 

I will always always always want to do crazy shit, and try to bend reality as much as possible, but Ben is here to offer his knowledge and his expertise as Senior Advisor in a more traditional way and help us expand. Can't be mad at it, the kid's a genius ... and I'm listening. 

This site was designed around my personality, but there are now over 50 writers that, as you all know, have equally cool shit to say and that deserve promoting. Ben and I have created a twitter account solely for the site that you all are invited to follow to make sure you don't miss out on a post.

Let's face facts though, not that anyone really cares - but it's the right thing to do, and it looks SOOOO PRETTY!!! LOOK


All of the people the TNTML account will be following are contributors or staff members of the company - so feel free to follow them as well (this means if you write for us, and you're not on twitter yet ... GET ON THAT SHIT!!)- and yah man, we're just gonna keep this up to keep you all up to date on events, posts, all that jazz. 

Sound good? 


Click here to follow and let's party like it's 1983 and we're Lionel Richie ... 


::happy dance:: 


#WTF: Who are these being marketed to?


#WTF: So like, on Monday ... I am going to be professor for a day ... at like a major California University