#Fact: It's something unpredictable but in the end it's right, I just had the time of my life (cc: @stevenbward @blowfishshoes)
Wow. Wow. Wow. What an amazing weekend in Philly. I have to say, definitely top 5 in my life in fact.
The accidental DJ is still one of my favorite "I just pulled this out of my ass costumes ever." Plus, when I got awkward at the party I could do a one person dance party to Sussdio and no one even noticed. This photo though reminds me of the Baby Got Back video. HAHA classic! Dude, when someone hands you an ass at the party, you gotta start playing it! Jigga jigga jigga
Here's the song that goes with the post, btw ...
So, if you want the full rundown of the weekend you can check it out here. It explains how I ended up at a costume party on Saturday, and where I've been staying and all that jazz.
I just wanted to summarize in one last post my final thoughts if you will (hey Jerry heeyyyyyy. Jerry Springer, anyone anyone?) on the weekend as a whole.
I cannot stress enough how much I love social media. This ENTTIIIRRREEEE weekend from start to finish was fueled by social media.
It all started a couple Fridays ago when a friend of the site posted on my Facebook wall that I should come to Philly. I was all DUDE! Sure! If we get picked up for VidBlogger Nation season 4 I'll totes come down to Philly after hitting up NY - just lemme know if you have a couch I can crash on.
She was immediately all fuck yeah! I got a couch! Several, in fact.
Filed that away.
Then come Saturday, I was wrapping the filming of Season 3 for Vidblogger Nation in Boston and taking a break. I flipped on Vh1 and started watching Tough Love.
I had seen the show before, and loved it - but something in me clicked. I want to meet Steve Ward, I thought. I know a lot of people in TV, guarantee you one of my friends knows him - I should start feeling this out to see if anything is there.
I'm FASCINATED by social dynamics, and people in general - but it can be hard for me dating, because my analytical brain goes into overdrive and I'll want to break dudes down to figure them out. Certainly this is a defense mechanism on my part, but it is also pretty easy to do if you know what to look for - and after 103 dates I know what the fuck to look for. Dating for me as a whole is also incredibly difficult because I LOOVVEEEE what I get to do all day everyday. Do you know how rare that is with people? Seriously! People do not like their lives, and I cannot spend even an hour with someone, let alone a few months dating them if they don't jive with what they do.
In my head sitting there that Saturday night, I thought - this is a dude I need to talk to. Not just in a professional manner, but I was just interested in discussing attraction and social dynamics in general while batting my blue eyes of course and maybe periodically checking out the hiney.
OMMMMMMGGGG Steve is so fucking hot. Re-dic!
It's absurd. No one should be allowed to be that attractive, that intelligent, and into social dynamics. Me = putty.
So flash forward to Sunday, I had just gotten out of the shower and I pop on twitter to see what is going on in the world ... a friend of the site had tweeted out that Steve was livestreaming on Ustream.
Like I can talk to Steve.
Like he's right there on the other side of the monitor and like I don't have to even go through people I know I can have an IMMEDIATE connection with him?
I quickly click the link, and after a few minutes put my balls to the wall and ask him out.
I have nothing to lose in this scenario, and I also have no shame in general - so I very literally just asked him out right then and there.
He then clicks on my avatar, sees my twitter profile pic, and is all ... yeah! You're pretty cute. I'll go out with you.
Really universe? Less than 24 hours after making a declaration with direct intent you deliver to me what I've been asking for?
WOOOOWWWW!!! The world is an amazing place.
Fortunately due to sheer luck, the chickadee that had posted on my wall that Friday just so happened to live in the same city as Steve, so not only did I have a place to stay - but a reason to go.
How to get there, I thought.
I then remembered that I had Southwest vouchers after posting about them when I was stuck in Chicago during my 4 cities in 30 days tour.
Ticket done.
Need a sponsor though, I thought.
See what I do is called narrative advertising; I am a corporate sponsored minimalist. I reach out to companies of products that I like and tell them a little bit about myself, my measure of influence, and then boom! I ask them if they are interested in sponsoring an adventure. We have a legit sales team now, and I just finished a super fancy pants sales video (it's not public but totes drop me a tweet if you want to see it) - but yeah - the bottom line is that if I was going to have an epic adventure like this, it had to be sponsored. This is my thing, man. I genuinely genuinely genuinely enjoy telling people about shit that doesn't suck, and I'm a sales person. Dudes, I was top rep for indirect sales in Verizon selling cellular activations when I was 22!! I was brought in to fail and became top in the nation - people enjoy buying, they just don't want to be sold to. I believe in Verizon and their handsets, so I could sell them! It's a fine line, but by finding products I am passionate about anyway, it just works.
One of the chickadees on the sales team suggested one of her twitter buds, this crowd called Blowfish Shoes as they have SERIOUSLY cute shoes, and every girl needs a cute pair of shoes on a date.
DONE AND DONE! I thought!
I then reached out to Blowfish (who had fortunately already heard of us), told 'em what was up, and they were SOOO rad, and TOTALLY game!!!!!
They let me pick out a pair of shoes, I picked Valora (size 7) ... OMMMMGGGG SO FRIGGEN CUTE!!!
Sponsor? Check
Flight? Check
Place to stay? Check
Ready to go? Absolutely!!!
Again you can read the rundown of everything over yonder - but basically, Steve handed me my ass on a silver platter during the date. I had no idea he was so passionate about tech and frankly so intelligent. I thought we'd be discussing social dynamics and he instead geeked out on google and dropped so much knowledge on me it shut me the fuck up.
I was very humbled. I wanted a date, but ended up with what I needed - a lesson.
Life is funny like that. =)
So that happened, and then to my surprise at the end of the date he asked me what I was doing Sunday night. Filming during the day, I said - but then after that not sure.
Come by my radio show, he said. I'd love to have you.
Wait, you just handed me my own ass, schooled me in my own game - and now you want to hang out again? Really? REALLY??
I wasn't even sure too what he meant by come by the studio. I didn't know if I was going to be on air, or very literally just sit by and watch.
I didn't promote it too much as to not let you guys down, but to my DELIGHTED surprise he actually did have me as a guest on his show.
I walked into the radio station strutting my stuff in my Blowfish shoes, and when one of the producers opened the door to the studio, Steve said JENNNN in a very excited voice, and said come here! Give me a hug.
OMG I thought. I am now hugging my crush. I might have partially blacked out and forgotten the first time, but this one ... this memory is STORED!!!
Here are some actual screen shots of the livestream that was up on Ustream broadcasting behind the scenes studio action ...
That's my elbow in the frame with Steve while I was writing down my twitter handle.
There I am sending out this tweet ...
HEHE that's me in the lower left hand corner. OMG OMG OMG me and Steve in the same frame.
::breathe Friel, don't forget to breathe::
Here I am getting the headphones on to talk on air.
One of the first questions he asked me was about dudes creeping on Facebook. Do you get that often, he asked. I shot back and said dude, I'm a lifecaster!! I welcome it!!! I'm transparent for educational purposes for others, and for spiritual purposes for myself.
His co-hosts all thought that was pretty rad.
There I am in the upper right hand corner talking on air, pretty much having the time of my life.
I was on air for about a half hour, then after the show wrapped everyone talked for a few minutes and then we headed out to our cars.
So someone really gave you their car to get here, said Steve.
Yeah! Ashley! The girl who posted on my Facebook wall in the first place offering me a couch to crash on. She gave me her car this entire weekend, how else did you think I was going to get here?
That's incredible he said.
That's what honesty gets you, I replied. People trust me.
He then thanked me for coming out tonight, and wished me luck. Keep in touch he said, and he leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
Like seriously?!?! FIRST I get hugged, THENNNNN I get a kiss on the cheek???
<tangent> Dude, when I crashed the Grammys to meet Pete Cashmore he didn't even send me a tweet or anything. I genuinely just spooked the dude that I was able to talk my way through 6 checkpoints and get to him. mwahaahahah! That was mostly just luck to be perfectly frank, but all luck is is opportunity meeting preparation. Minimalists are very very very prepared people. </tangent>
I stood there frozen for a moment in my Blowfish Shoes.
OMG OMG OMG OMG this is one of the greatest moments in my life - store this memory Friel.
I paused for a second, YEP! STORED!!!
I then got into Ashley's car, and updated my Facebook status ...
This is happening, I thought, and it happened all because of social media. WOOOWWWW!!! This is HANDS DOWN the greatest time to be alive!!!
I smiled, and then called one of the suits on the scripted pilot. He and his wife are big fans of Steve and when I told him that we were going to go out, he FRREEAKKEEEDD saying he would pay for ringside seats.
You two going toe to toe? This. Will. Be. Good.
I had updated him on the fact that my ass had been handed to me, but I left him a final update that he gave me a kiss on the cheek ... and yeah, man - my life was made.
It is SUCH an incredible time in this space where opportunities are ZOOMING by you at a mile a minute. Have a pure heart, pure intentions, and just GENUINELY love who you are and what you are doing and PEOPLE. WILL. TAKE. NOTICE.
I'm not special, just awesome. I've spent the last two years building this brand and focusing VERY strongly on myself and creating as many shifts in my consciousness as I could by placing myself in situations that made me uncomfortable.
Steve from a business perspective might be ahead of me now, but baby I'm just getting out of the gate! Good things come in good time, but first you have to be ready - and that my friends is my current mission. Remember life is reflective and has to meet YOUR expectations of it. Learn to step up to your own plate, be bold by doing things that scare you, and watch how your life can change.
Thank you for this weekend Steve, Blowfish Shoes (BIGGGG thank you to them as well for the sponsorship!!! Dudes, check their shoes out. SOOOOO friggen comfortable!! To go from vans to heels like that was a big step - no pun intended), a HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE thank you to Rachel and Ashley for your INCREDIBLE hospitality this weekend. Above and beyond doesn't even cut it. You BOTH will always have a place to stay in LA. Thank you. Thank you. THANK YOU!!!
And a special thank you to social media. For reals man, I adore you. Like I really really really do and like if you ever want to make out or anything - I'm like totally game just as an FYI. Upon making my declartion to the universe that I wanted to meet Steve, by using social media, and only social media, it only took me 13 days to be able to meet Steve and 14 days in total to get a kiss from him.
Next up, I am headed to NYC to get my drink on this evening before my 6am flight from La Guardia. I'm going to map it out, but I know Megabus drops me off near Penn Station, so I'm just going to get a group together to kick it around there. If you're in the city and wanna grab a beer let's get this shit done man (hit me up on twitter)!! I sleep better on cross country flights with a buzz! HAHA!!! Loves it so long time.
“Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard, and you’re kind, amazing things will happen.”
You can check out the livestreamed archive from last night on Ustream - go to LoveLab.com
You can see me enter in the studio at 2h:30, and at 2h:37 you can hear Steve say Talk Nerdy To Me, Lover (heheeheheeheh). AMAZING!!!