#Randombling: That Nerdy Chick
Randombling: A 5 minute long unedited random stream of consciousness produced by a nerd for nerds.
#nowplaying: Billy Idol- dancing with myself
CES is the shizzy shiz shiz shizness. Holy sweatballs. Dude, I couldn't even livestream yesterday. Like at all ... this is going to sound weird, but I didn't realize we were that big. I mean you see analytics and all the figures and dude, totally get it ... but its a number. I study the growth, see whats works - what doesnt ... its very different when you meet people face to face and they completely freak out. This one dude yesterday, I swear to god I thought he was going to have a heart attack. It's incredible ... and now I get it. But that was for sure, for sure, for sure a first. It's different when you lifecast and people show up ... its another thing when you're at a convention like this, and having it happen. I dunno - its all very weird to me, just promise to never get all weird on me TNTML. Just be cool ... and keep doing cool shit.
All that being said, had drinks last night with a super super super awesome big wig TV dude. No, like for reals, like major network ... and it was so rad to get to hear from him how much TV is changing. We were talking about the monetization of content, and what the internet kids are doing, and the psychology of it all. I kid you not, I've never had a more riveting conversation. It fascinates me being such a middle person. I hear from my friends who are building these new internet ready sets all about what the manufacturers want in return ... the people actually at the networks putting out the content ... and I dunno, its just my thing to sit there and say this works because this is what this person who made this said, and yada yada yada. It's just THE MOST INCREDIBLE TIME TO BE ALIVE!!!!! HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!??!?! W2G internet for being so fucking awesome, and creating such a demand its changing the future of entertainment indefinitely.
Resting up this afternoon, before the TweetHouse event. I love people, but I definitely need my "I'm in my own space - weird out zone." So yahhh!!! Thank you all so so much for yesterday. Had a BITCHIN time! Sorry I couldn't livestream - but I'll show you guys around tomorrow. Verizons been really weird too, keeps dropping calls ... so i dont even know how steady the feed will be. But either way, I'll figure it out.
Thanks again guys for being in my life. Really appreciate you.
Oh and dude, random vegas injury #1 - woke up with a cracked, bloody, pinky toenail. Um yeah.
OH and OH! Totally just saw the VP of my old company from when I worked in cellular in the lobby of the Wynn. STOP BEING SUCH A SMALL WORLD!!
OH!!!! OH!!! AND OH!!! Dude, totally saw Sir Mix a lot in the lobby of Aria last night. SO FUCKING RADDD!!!!
xoxo #nerdsunite