That Nerdy Chick: I need a #randombling

Randombling: A 5 minute long unedited random stream of consciousness produced by a nerd for nerds.


#nowplaying: A punk - Vampire Weekend


Alrite, fuck the clock. If this goes longer than 5, I just don't care - I need to VENNNTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!! First off, holy shit. There is a lot going on right now behind the scenes. The movie is moving along - but we're STILL delayed as our director is wrapping up a big project ... totally get it... kosher for passover and all - but timing is the ONLY thing we have in our favor. We are SO far ahead of other projects, but they're going to FREAKING CATCH UP!!! Don't get me wrong, I say this as objectively as possible - what we're doing with this flick, is going to rock the nerdy house. For reals ... it's just awesome ... and haha that's all I can say. But the bottom line is, we're not special, just awesome. Someone somewhere will think of something similar. Even though we're connected in Hollywood and the tech world, it doesn't mean peanuts if someone beats you to the punch. I am like FREAKING out today that we still don't have the final final final draft like we were supposed to this week. I really don't understand how films get made. In all honesty ... the fact that so many films, good or bad, have even BEEN made just astounds me. There are so many variables that can trip you up, and there is so much of a margin for error, I am just ... shocked. Literally. Shocked. I also see why people take super super super long vacations after a film is done. This is stressful.


Meeting with the uber big wigs at AOL on Tuesday! W00t! W00t! Pretty stoked. I honestly have no idea what I'm walking into, but dude - the guy's title is: Vice President, Original Video Programming and Production of AOL. yeeahhhhh!!! That's a pretty bitchin title right there. It's funny when I go into these meetings - I never really expect anything. I just say, this is who I am ... this is where I see this "social media stuff" going ... this is what I am doing about it. I always tell people very matter of fact, I don't need any of these big wigs to make it work. We're only 10 months old - I'd say, that's not too shabby!!!!! BUTTT!!!! I really wasn't kidding when I was up for a job with the CEO of AOL over the summer, that I really do think I can help them a lot. Whether or not they listen however, is a horse of a different color. Not gonna lie, kinda stoked too that it is LA based. I love love love me some San Fran, and am still going to be moving up there at some point when we shoot the film. But for right now, all the meetings and stuff I have going on are all in LA. So that would be some expensive flights. 


Speaking of flights ... dude! In a week, I'm flying on a private jet!!!!!!!!! It honestly has more to do with what made sense than luxury - but I'm going to Tahoe Tech on the 29th - and apparently theres only a small airport near the conference. SOO!! It made sense for the crowd that I'm consulting for to get a private plane for me, and the other 5 people to go on. SOOO RADDDDDD!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me there is a FourSquare badge for "I'm on a jet!" Cause that would be bitchin.


I'm still really sad that my brother won't speak to me, and I feel such a disconnect with my family. My dad kinda gets what is going on ... but my mom and my brother are just angry. Their anger at me is just so deep-rooted. When I told my mom about AOL, about our big NerdHerd party, and even all the updates about the film - I might as well have just been talking about the weather. To them, I'm still this financial fuck up, that has parking tickets, credit card debt, and does something on the internet that is marketing related. They think I'm completely delusional when I tell them I am going to be able to pay cash for everything for the rest of my life. That is really why I designated the hashtag #nerdsunite for this blessed little website. I had gone through a rechid breakup, and was barely speaking to my family ... you guys really do mean the world to me. The fact that ANYONNEEEEE finds this interesting when my own mother thinks I'm just out to lunch, is bitchin. Again dude, we have almost as many likes on Facebook that I have friends - and yet my brother isn't even a liker. Yeah ... but again, I have to check my own self and say "why do I need this validation?" Remember the enso I have tattooed on my left wrist? You are whole, you are complete, you are perfect. I think about it - and remember back to when I was a baby, and how happy babies are. For real, babies are just the greatest little bundles of joy! They aren't thinking ... so and so didn't call me back after that nap yesterday. I think I'm going to give them an evil eye until they realize the error of their ways. They just enjoy the moment, and are so effin HAPPY about it!! There has got to be something there that we know when we are born, but are some how conditioned to forget as we get older.


There you go. That's my story ... and I'm sticking to it. BLAAHHHHHHHH!!!






Beware Replay


Happy Birthday @PeteCashmore!!!