That Nerdy Chick's Moment of #Reflection
AHHHHH!! I've done absolutely nothing today - and it feels fanfuckingtastic! Lately, I've been experiencing freaky levels of clarity as far as where I want this blessed little website to go, and all that snazzy jazzy stuff that apparently I should have figured out a while ago, but frankly I didn't care.
It cracks me up how much thought people put into the most unnecessary things. There is not a shadow of a doubt that launching this blessed little website changed everything for me. However, I didn't prepare to have the year that I had. I just continuously learned how to play the cards that were dealt to me, and placed my focus on expanding my state of consciousness. That's pretty much it. Old me, dead - new me, pretty excited, and very much alive.
I wanted things to change in my life, but the first thing I had to change was myself. You have to be the change that you want to see. Period. End of sentence. Go, do some crazy shit. Market and promote the crap out of it in social media. It's an awesome. awesome. awesome. time to do it! Go play!!! Life is yours for the taking, but its also reflective. EVERYTHING STARTS WITH YOU!
xoxo #nerdsunite