#Unmaskyourselfie: What are The symptoms of autism in females?

Hey there, lovely humans! So, we're diving headfirst into the world of neurodiversity today, with a spotlight on something that's often as misunderstood as a cat's love for water—female autism symptoms.

Now, you might be thinking, "Autism? But isn't that just a guy thing?"

Oh, honey, no.

Let me tell you, the realm of female autism is like the hidden level in your favorite video game; it's there, it's real, and it's about time we cracked the code together.

So, grab your metaphorical snorkels, because we're going deep into the sea of understanding, laughter, and maybe a few "aha!" moments along the way.

Autistic females are deep thinkers

Philosophers of Our Time Endless library of books in your mind, endless with questions about life, the universe, and everything. That's what being a deep thinker on the autism spectrum feels like. It's not just that you're thinking about what there is for breakfast; you're actually pondering the existential breadcrumbs of life itself. And when you drift out into the distance, it's not because you are disinterested—nah, you are off on a cosmic travel right in your own mind. For you, it's not just mere words; it's the very soul bursting out from your essence. And simplicity? Pfft, that's for amateurs. You see the world in 4K Ultra HD, with every little detail more intensified and complex.

Autistic females are naive

The Innocent Explorer Just imagine that you live in a world where all people speak one language, but you have a dictionary for completely different words. This is a day in the life of an autistic person. You are honest, as long as the day is, and what is deceit for you? Oh, it's the same as if a fish were riding a bicycle. You wear your heart on your sleeve, not because you've made a decision to do so but because that is just the way you know. Someone not being something else other than himself is an idea so confusing to you that it reaches a level almost like quantum physics would to a three-year-old. And, yes, this beautiful honesty you live hurts more often, but it also means that your purity keeps shining in this sometimes murky world.

Autistic females are sensory sensitive

Great Escape Artist: When the world gets too noisy, too bright, or just too much, where do you go? Inside your head, of course! Kinda like you own a Narnia. Only, instead of a wardrobe, your hobbies and obsessions, and the sweet rhythm of words, take you there. Ever had an imaginary friend? Yup, that's your first squad. And mimicry? It's not imitation. It's how you learned all the rules to a game no one thought to teach you. Your friends might not always get it or understand why you're so fixated, but to you, that's in your mind, where every little detail is a piece of a bigger puzzle.

Life seems as though all the channels on TV are running at the same time. Lights, sounds, textures—they're not just noises in the background but are set to gain your undivided attention. And feelings? They may feel more like tsunamis than waves, crashing over you with their intense highs and lows. The world may be diagnosing you with a hundred different labels, but more often than not, what it will fail to recognize is just how much effort it takes for you to do things every day that others barely take note of.

Autistic females miss social cues

Navigating the Social Labyrinth: For you, socializing is like a language-impaired map reader. You're looking for your way to "Normal Conversation" and find you have overshot at "Overshare" or "Monologue" instead. With eye contact, body language, the ebb and flow of dialogue—it's kind of like trying to learn to dance without ever having heard the music first. You're not trying to be the center of the universe; it's just a tug-of-war of trying to connect, to share, to be understood. And the reasons why friendships just break apart without explanation, it leaves you to dissect every interaction, trying to find where you missed the cue.

Autistic females Need their alone time

The Sanctuary of Solitude: Home is where the peace is for you, not where the heart is. Outside is a world of social norms, schedules, and sensory inputs. Within your sanctuary, the chaos lapses. The guilt of not being out there in the hustle and bustle weighs heavy on your shoulders, and yet the relief of being alone adds balm to your soul. Time, with its relentless march, becomes a puzzle that you are always solving. You organize your life in such a way that it makes sense to you, even if it has the opposite effect on everyone else.

Autistic females are sensitive

The Paradox of an Empath: Your heart is like an ocean, large, miles to perceive the least change. You are the one who cries at movies, feels the pain of a complete stranger, and probably would adopt every stray animal out there if you could. A criticism hits you hard, like a physical blow, and always the aim is to understand, to improve, to be the best possible version of yourself. Sometimes in that, you forget you are already enough, just as you are.

Autistic females are authentic

Searching for the Real Thing: Who are you really? It's a question you probably have occasion to ask yourself more often than most. The pressures and expectations of this world seem like a straitjacket, choking out the real you. You've learned to adapt, to go with the flow—but at what cost? The wish to literally just be yourself, without masks, without performances, ranks pretty high on the list of wishes that never go away.

Autistic females are often misunderstood

Lost in Translation: Life is a puzzle, and everyone else had been given an instruction manual, except you. You are constantly trying to decode, translate, make sense of a world that more often than not does not make sense to you. Your brain is a supercomputer processing everything, every detail, every nuance, and it is exhausting. But it is also your superpower, letting you see the world in a way that nobody else can.

Autistic females are excellent at masking

Invisible: You look so put together. But it's all in the veneer. The amount of effort it takes to simply be in a world not made for you is astronomical. And then, to meet somebody who gets it, who sees you for you, is literally like surfacing from underwater after being submerged for way too long.

So, if we are taking this journey through the kaleidoscope of autism in women, let it be with a sense of celebration for the depth, the complexity, and the sheer resilience it takes to walk this walk. It is not only the struggles but also the amazing strengths, the different perspective of view that can be changed in a positive direction, and the attitude of not giving up by those who are uniquely wired in some way. To the poets, thinkers, dreamers, and quiet rebels among us. In all of your glorious complexity, shines on, questions everything, but mostly just keeps being fabulously you.


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How do you know if you have synesthesia?