#Fact: Hotel bathrobes make me feel like a samurai
Hello from Miami dear nerderinos!!
I am on a date right now with bachelor number two in coincidentally Miami again. Totally random too!! This guy isn't even from here he's just on business and when I told him how much I loved Miami he sent me a ticket.
Now, here I be, in a bathrobe getting my samurai on. =) =) =)
Isn't the internet the most wonderfulest thing ever???
I'll be putzin around South Beach today if anyone wants to say howdy you can just tweet me - @JenFriel.
Dudes, I totally got an epic massage last night AND talked to two 50 year olds in this super fancy pants room about smoking pot.
So random.
Either way, here's a song to get your day going. Happy Miami day everyone!!