#TCDisrupt: Dissed to my face, marriage proposal, crashing party with twitter account
I can absolutely absolultey absolutely not stop laughing.
Last night at #TCDisrupt was fucking. wild.
Some of the highlights ...
1) Homeless duderino rocking the same CES backpack and getting accosted.
(The Lyft car service genuinely saved me in that instance.)
2) I was dissed to my face through a New Girl reference only to 15 minutes later have a guy propose marriage literally on the dance floor. (AND I WASN'T EVEN DANCING!!)
3) The Brazilian that made out with the right side of my face. Emphasis on FACE, not mouth.
4) Crashing a fancy pants event with my twitter account AND getting in my plus one.
5) Having some super fancy pants dude say, "I've heard pitches all day, this chick ain't pitching. I like you."
6) Making friends with the fishermen but almost falling off the dock.
This is honestly why lifecasting has a lifecycle - now all of this is getting too easy. I wasn't even TRYING last night - this was just Monday at the conference.
Amazing on so many levels.
Dudes, I am SO FREAKING BUSY here. Everyone wants to talk to you and it's incredibly, incredibly humbling, but absolutely bananas to manage.
So many nerds, so little time!!
Either way, obvi I'm here again. Today I'm rocking the bright yellow hoodie. Come say hi if you're here!! I gotta jet back to getting some interviews for AndesBeat (the company sponsoring this trip) ... but here is a loverly video to amuse you in the meantime. It's actually one of my all time favs. YAYY!!! =)
Very very very special thanks to AndesBeat for the sponsorship.
AndesBeat is a cultural game-changer movement that fosters the 'very' early stage growth of startups in Latin America. Check 'em out over yonder!!
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