#NowPlaying: OMC - How Bizarre

A hoi hoi nerderinos, 


I am about to jet out to meet with a friend, BUUUTTTT if you guys are game afterwards for an adventure - I am DOWN!!! 

I am looking to stay in the Hollywood/ West Hollywood area, but let's kick it and have some fun. 

Tweet me @JenFriel to say what's up! 

Here's what I'm currently jamming to btw ...

dudes this shit takes me back to 7th grade. 7th grade wasn't fun. Butttttt here's to new memories and new awesomeness. Are you still talking? Shut up Friel. 


OH!!! One more thing for the ladies ... 




#NerdsUnite: Around the world with @HeatherReusz (festival of the steel phallus)


#NerdsUnite: The Ramblings of a Raconteuse (dont give up)