#YayLife: I'm going to meet Pam Anderson this morning!

A hoi hoi nerderinos, 


So, yesterday I got the most random email ever from this PR crowd asking if I was available for this press conference this morning with Pam Anderson. Obviously, my interest was peaked - mostly because all of the shit I get from PR crowds are GOD AWFUL press releases - so if nothing else seeing, "Interview Pam Anderson" in the title alone was good enough to not only get a read, but an IMMEDIATE response back. 

Pam is part of this "new exciting social platform" that is about to launch, and they reached out I guess to some social media kids to document it. 

I have no idea what is going to go down; I requested a 1 on 1 so with my luck, me thinks I might actually get it. 

Pam has GOTTA be a pretty smart lady. No one gets to her iconic level of success and fame unless they've got something going on upstairs .. so, we shall see. 

Press checkin is at 10:30 am PST so I'll be live tweeting all morning with any developments. Again, I have no idea what I am going to get from this scenario, but I have my flip, macbook pro, and a fully charged iPhone. Let's see what I'm able to do with 'em!!! 

Click here to follow the updates in real time. 


OH! And if you have questions feel free to post 'em on my Facebook page. THANKS!! xoxox


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