#Status: Single. A 6 Month No Man Mission (this girl is cray cray)

<editorsnote> Nerds, meet my buddy Tiffany. She's a love addict who is now purging herself of men in the hopes of finding a cure. Think she can do it?? She has given herself six months, and I only have one more thing left to say ... HIT IT TIFFANY!!</editorsnote>

#TalkNerdyToMeLover's @nomanmission

Today is one of those days when I realized how often I use the word "crazy". It makes me think that I might indeed be "crazy"! Ha, ha, I think we have all established that already! Today, spontaneously at work I started to use the term "Cray Cray" instead of crazy. Wtf? Honestly, I was getting on my own nerves by the end of the day, but at the time it was funny and it served a very valuable purpose. Stay with me...

They say that thoughts attract things, what you say will be, and what you think about, you bring about, etc etc. So, if I am saying crazy as much as I said "Cray Cray" today then I must be attracting a whole lotta crazy into my life. Now that I think of it, shit, I am. Ahh, the joys of realizations I have after spending most of my waking hours alone for the past 4 days, and a nice bottle of Pinot on a rainy Friday night. Gotta freakin' love it.

This week, I spent most of my time on the couch watching movies because I was sick for the first time in a year. I have never valued my health more than I do today. Funny how that happens. Anyway, today was the first day that I felt normal in exactly a week. After I unleashed "Autumn" my body was in revolt. I didn't feel semi-normal until Monday, and by then I could feel that I was succumbing to a sickness I didn't want to admit I had. Damn it! By Tuesday, I was glued to my couch with my down comforter, pillow, and way too many chick flicks. It was "Cray Cray", yo! Wednesday, I decided it would be a good idea to take a hot yoga class, I am here to tell you folks, it is NOT a good idea to do that when you are fiercely fighting off the cold demons. The hot yoga class knocked me on my ass, enter, another long date with my couch and romantic comedies. The worst part about this whole thing is that I had writers block the whole time. So, here I am stuck at home, with just enough energy to be awake, but not enough energy to do anything else. I was officially in hell. Going "crazy" if you will. Yep, that's what happened, I went crazy because I was stuck at home for 2 days straight with little to no human contact other than the Hollywood blockbusters I became very intimate with. Damn You, Hollywood! Watching chick flicks for two days straight is enough to make any sane woman turn Cray Cray! Shit, yo! The craziest thing about my week being so "Cray Cray" is that it was totally f'n crazy and you don't even know it!

By Thursday, I had enough. I was kicking this bitches ass out. I got up, taught a yoga class and went on with my life. My writer's block was lifted and I was back in action. By the time I went to bed late night Thursday night, I had taken a kick ass Power Sculpt class, went for a long walk with Maggie (my new dog), did normal "Mom" stuff,  written about "The Return of Autumn",  and made a playlist for the first time in two months. I was on a serious roll. It was "Cray Cray"! OMG, Shut up, Tiff! The cool thing about being home, single, and keeping company with my blog, red wine, and my new playlist on a Friday night is that nothing can bring me down. I am able to get really f'n honest and not give a shit. I love it. It is my "crazy" outlet, and I am psyched that this is what I ended up doing with my Friday night.

My name is Tiffany, and this f'n life is Cray Cray!


click here to follow Tiffany on twitter!


#HowTo: Write a review on your date anonymously


#ThatAwkwardMomentWhen: You attend a regular party dressed in a costume & are greeted by 3 guys you dated.