#StatusUpdate: Just setting the record straight ...

SOOOO ... I just got this text this evening from my very dear friend @checkoutamanda ... 


I'm just absolutely absolutely absolutely setting the record straight that yes, I fell in love over the summer, but the dude made it ABUNDANTLY clear that that dynamic would never occur. I'm very genuinely not mad at it (I'm actually grateful he taught me how to "feel" again) but just to clarify for anyone else that may or may not be interested in setting me up with someone - my answer is YES!!! I am for the first time in at least 6 years without a friends with benefits, an ex that I still hook up with, nada. I'm single. single. single. could not BE more single, sans any attachment and looking for a dude (hopefully) in Los Angeles. 

I'm so fucking sick of dating to be honest, man. Everything in my soul is telling me to just throw myself into work - THAT I am good at. It's disenchanting dealing with scene after scene and guy after guy. I stare at them for 15 seconds and know within the first TEN MINUTES if there can be a second date. I sound like a bitch, but i will just own my honesty. I'm crazy good at reading people, and I know what I want and don't believe in wasting people's time, nor settling. 

Focus Friel ... work work work. Keep your head down, work hard and let the rest fall into place. 

This is the mantra I am telling myself. 

I hope it works. 

Excuse me, but I have a song that I need to host a solo dance party to right about ... now ... 




#NerdsUnite: My name is Alicia and I'm doing 50 dates in 50 states (Washington Date 1)


#NowPlaying: Levels - Avicii