#NowPlaying: Filter - Take a picture


Like crazy hurts.

Like hurts more than it has hurt in a while.

My little stud Rocky Balboa died yesterday. I've been trying to write about him all day - how he came into my life, and how COOL of a story it all was ... but I can't. I'm just not ready.

It's funny how one little 6 lb goober could make such an impact on my life. Giving him to my parents so I could launch this brand was the biggest sacrifice I've ever made, and while I don't regret a minute of it - it doesn't make his untimely passing any easier.

I'm grateful I got to see him last month, and I'm SUPER grateful my parents took such great care of him yesterday as he passed in my dad's arms ... but I'm just all shades of a wreck today.

No bueno.

Just being.

It is gnarly though how when you go through "shock" my brain processes everything slower. I am forgetting where I am leaving things in the house, forgot passwords to social accounts - it's all mush right now.

This too shall pass, and I am excited for Vegas - but have to be honest that right now ... I'm running on empty.

This dog had the COOLEST LIFE STORY EVER TOO!!! I rescued him from a Doobie Brother, his first best friend was Phil Jackson's dog Princess Cujo, he survived a crack house, cockroach infestation, all three of my relationships (Romeo, Noah, and the Mentalist), was there for me when I got out of the nuthouse, used to star in all of my shows on LiveVideo and FRIGGEN LOVED being on camera.

I mean this dog was a total riot, and such a little angel.

Really really really cool dog.

He was such a ham!

In the meantime however ... this song is dedicated to Rocky.

Much love from your mama. I'll write your story soon, but first - please stop peeing on heaven's gate. @Jesus_M_Christ doesn't appreciate it.



#NerdsUnite: I just graduated college!! But um, now what? (Agoraphobia and me)


#Adventures in Randomness and Rock & Roll w @leah_cevoli