#Amazeballs: Look ma, I'm on the television!!
AHH!! Big day - I can finally announce this project I've been working on since June, and currently the reason why I am in Boston for 3 weeks.
Are you ready????
I ... Jen Friel ... am your New England representative for the Comcast On-Demand Channel "VidBlogger Nation."
How EXCITED are you by this fact?!?!?!
I know I am!!
Wait, you're prolly sitting there wondering what VidBlogger Nation is aren't you. You crazy nerds with your everything-need-to-know-ness.
VidBlogger Nation is a new socially integrated hybrid channel on Comcast local on-demand featuring local tastemakers showing you around with everything you need to know about the area.
Basically, each season I have 12 adventures throughout the area (season 1 Connecticut - season 2 and 3 Boston). Yeah, how rad is that - season 1 airs starting today, and we already got renewed for seasons 2 and 3. SUH-WEET!!!!
I'm pretty stoked, and this project means a lot to me because I am producer, talent, and editor on it. Basically everything of everything you are seeing is all me. Literally.
Take a look if you get a chance - I'd superly duperly appreciate it ... and as exciting as season 1 was, season 2 is going FREAKING AH-MAZING-LY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So so so much more good stuff coming. Can't begin to tell you all how EXCITED I AM!!! BAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
On that note, I have to get back to filming season 2. It's under deadline to be shot and fully edited before Friday. I'm doing pretty well - shooting and editing 9 and 10 today, 11 and 12 tomorrow ... edit EVERYTHING else on Wednesday. BOOM! Delivered before Friday.
How did I get this job? Social media!!!! This duderino who is the executive producer on it saw all of the shizzy shiznat I was doing with the site and all my little mini-adventures, and he hired me. What does this teach us?
Dude, I woke up this morning and was on TV!!! YAY LIFE!!!!!
Instructions for watching:
On Demand
Scroll down to GET LOCAL
If you live in New England, I am your girl - see look ...
BOOM! I just got this brand into 50 million homes strictly through following my passion. I am SOOOOO not mad at that. RAAWWRRR!!!
<editorsnote> At the time of this post there are only 5 of the 12 episodes posted. Not sure if they're going to roll them out, or what - but just so you know each season had 12 whatever Comcast wants to air is their thang - girlfriend got PAID!!!! </editorsnote>