Fun with #OKCupid: 3 emails ... 3 different responses

First up, if you haven't read my OKC profile - you can check it out over yonder. Might make some sense to the things guys reply to, haha. But for reals, these are all actual emails I've received in the last 48 hours, and my actual responses back to them. It is through this transparent experience that I hope you all can take away some knowledge on what works and what doesn't in the hopes of making your online dating experiences that much more fanschmastically awesome. YAYYYY ONLINE DATING YAYYY!!! K ... cool ... here we go ...


HAHA rad story dude, but meeehhhhh this didn't really do anything for me. I actually had a really really really rad time on almost all of the dates. Well, minus this one of course - but for reals, you can read in the thesis that I genuinely genuinely genuinely adored the dudes, but the only problem was me which I am now working on addressing.

Actual response: None

This one was sweet. Clearly this guy is really really nice, and his words were very kind - but I dunno, I dig dudes that just go in and grab shit. You have to have a balance - I want to date the nice guy, but I also want the dude that at the end of the day will just come home from work, throw me against a wall, and fuck the shit out of me. I don't really get that from this dude.

Complimentary? Yes.

Kind? Absolutely!

Makes me wet? Not even close.

Gotta have that balance.

Actual Response: Aw, thanks man!

I actually get this ALL.THE.TIME. Dudes are definitely interested in what I do, but they don't want to read about me they want to kick it and learn about me IRL. The only problem is, to get to that point you have to have a hook - something to intrigue me, which the majority of them fail to do. At the end of the day, I might now accidentally be a professional dater, it's still a sale. SELL. YOURSELF. TO. ME. Don't make it all about me. Pull one detail from my profile, ask me to elaborate and throw in an anecdote about yourself to add a layer of emotional investment. There's no personality in this email, I very honestly didn't even click on his profile.

Actual Response: None

Click here to view my OKC profile. Hit me up ... but not all Tina Turner style, cause like, that would hurt.




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