#YayLife: She's alive ... alliiivvveeeeeeee
A hoi hoi nerderinos -
Welcome! I am currently in Boston staying at this super hippie commune I found on airbnb.com. HAHA I am being totally serious too. The duderino is pretty rad, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared about sneaking some beef jerky into the house this afternoon. SERIOUSLY!! There is all this raw, vegan shizzy shiznat around - and there's nothing more that those peeps hate than friggen beef jerky. hahaha oops!
So, I totally woke up this morning on the 28th floor of a super swanky Chicago building after a night of quite possibly the best sex I have ever had. And no, I mean like - the best. We both even stopped at one point, and he turned and said - I know we're both not virgins or anything - but this is like epic. I was all, dude, I know right!!! It was really weird - totally jolted me, and I'm kinda at a loss for words in writing about it just yet. Gimme a few more hours, ahhhhhh!! I only got LITERALLY 3 hours of sleep in the last 48 hours. Brain no bueno.
This dude is different, and I don't know what that means, but I do know I spent all morning traveling thinking about him and COMPLETELY freaked out because here I am thinking I'm being scandalous actually boning a dude from the bar. (Which I'm not mad at, but I can't really get off from things like that so I don't do it. For reals, I can have an orgasm through penetration during sex, and I take my orgasms VERY seriously.)
It was weird, he was weird, and somehow it ended up in a state of straight up awesomeness. I'll tell you all about it in the morning, and how my speech went.
OMG OMG OMG thank you all SOOOOOO much for the emails, comments, tweets. I'm responding to as many as I can as I go, but I promise I'll wrap it all up in the morning. Jen Jen needs sleep now after a night of hot sex, hahaha!!
OMG best. sex. ever. ::breathe Jen breathe::
Life, I am kinda not mad at you right now. In fact, I'd like to throw a parade for you ... a parade - in my pants! ::zing::
omg - shut up Jen.