Time to Effing #GetItOn: Tomorrow night I'm taking a first date to an orgy

Yeah, no ... like literally. Here's what's goin on ...

So, the other night after the Incubus show (more on that later), I grabbed the roomster and we headed to one of my fav Hollywood bars - Barneys and had an EPPPIICCCCC night. Straight up, down, left, and right - it was pretty bitchin.

We arrive on a high from the AH-MAZING show we had just witnessed, grabbed a couple of brewskies, sat down at the bar tables, and just then I noticed over at the bar one of my all time fav nerds ... Dunan Pinderhuges!!!!


Dudes, have you guys seen Class Act?!?!? One of my supah dupah favs.

It's Kid from Kid and Play ... aka Chris Reid.

I've seen him at Barneys before, but never said anything. It's LA, you don't want to be "that guy" and call people out, whatevs. Not my thing ... but after being on such a high from Incubus, and seeing that he was sitting by himself - I couldn't resist.

I grabbed the roomster, and we went down and sat in the two bar stools next to him, and struck up a conversation. Super super super nice dude - like for reals. HAHAHAHA omg, he's OBSESSED with Casey Anthony. We went super in-depth in discussing the case, hahahahaaha he is HILARIOUS!!! He was so excited about the judge's announcement the next day that he was going to wake up at 6am to hear it.

Then, we started talking nerdy as I was asking about his character in Class Act, and he explained to me that it was TOTAL art imitating life - he is Duncan Pinderhughes. And actually, he and Chris Martin grew up together and had similar social dynamics. Martin dropped out of school, and Reid was a TOTAL nerd with amazing grades.


No, like literally - you can tell most celebs just "call it in" and pretend to be gracious about something, this guy was for real. He was telling us all about his kids, that he remembered playing at the Hartford Civic Center back in the day ... he introduced us to some of his friends, and DUDES! we even snapped a pic!

We're totes besties now, and he even invited us onto his trivia team. SCORE!!!

Seriously man, nicest human being on the planet.

But yeah ... so that happened ... and after Chris got up to grab a ciggy cig cig, I noticed this dude in the corner of the bar on his iPhone reading.

Now here's something I've noticed about people that read at bars ...

See, if you sit at a booth or bar table reading, you're in your own zone. You don't necessarily want people coming up to talk to you, you just wanna get your own donner did, and kick it.

If you're sitting at the bar however reading, you wouldn't mind some company; the bar is basically an open playing field. If you're reading, you might be a bit socially awkward so you want something to sort of have to occupy your noggin, but it doesn't mean you don't want people talking to you.

I read the signs ... and then tried making Jen's sexy sexy eyes ... which basically translates to something between I am having a seizure, or I'm about to sneeze.

He doesn't catch my drift - at all.

Then, Chris got up, so I turned to the roomster and said, I'm gonna go for it.

I sit down next to him.

My opener was simple ... have you ever considered getting an iPad as it is easier on the eyes?

HAHAHA, he says.

It's true - I love my iPad, and I never ever thought I'd be a fan of e-readers. I dig the intimate closeness I have with a book. It's a very personal experience.

Yeah, but iPads are too big. I like this, he reaches into his pocket, because I can slide it in and take it out (Editor's note: that's what she said mwahahahahaahahaha).

We continued talking about life, music, general getting to know-ness ... then after about 5 minutes, it hits me like a ton of bricks ... dude, I know this dude from somewhere.

I scan my brain for all of my girlfriend's ex boyfriends .... nope.

Went down the roster of people I slept with ... omg, my head hurts - no, I think? No. Definitely no.

I ask him, have we met before?

You know, you look familiar too!!! (and I could tell he was being super honest)

I whipped out my Droid Charge ... TO THE FACEBOOK!!!

I asked for his last name, and said, no worries! I won't add you, haha! I just wanna know who our mutual friends are.

I find him, click his profile and notice that we only have 1 mutual friend, and she was this chickadee I met on the first night of my social experiment. Really really really cool chick, but I'm only Facebook friends with her.

HMMMMMMMMMMMM ... we go back and forth, back and forth, and it was weird - I felt UNBELIEVABLY comfortable with this dude. Me at bars = hot hot mess. I fucking hate the bar scene, hence why I'm conducting my current social experiment in general - I need to be broken from my comfort zones if I want to expand my noggin and better myself as a person.

Either way, this dude was fucking RAD and after about an hour, numbers were exchanged and at 2 am I got a text confirming the epic awesomeness of the night.

::beep:: I had an amazing time tonight. It was great to meet you.


::typing:: great to meet you too. ::sent::

Then it kinda got me thinking, I wanna see this dude soon. If I like a boy, I have to act on it, or I will lose interest - like immediately. Boys are consistently something shiny to me. Dudes, I work online .. hahahaha, it happens.

I realize I'm working on some scht-uff Friday and Sunday, so Saturday night is pretty much my only time free. And what am I doing on Saturday night? Being interviewed by Dr. Suzy!!!

Yep! Remember the night I foursquared at an orgy??

Same chica!

It's a wild experience, but oddly enough - not sexual. It obviously taps into our animal, carnal desires, but it's not over the top ... it's just animals being animals.

Incredible experience.

Kinda got me thinking, if a guy can handle this weird and wanky world I live in, he's gotta be HELLA open minded. Is there really anything more open than this??

I hope it's gonna be cool - hahaha it might not be obviously, but at least no matter what I'll get content. I know that sounds bad, but this dude is a writer and seems pretty cool - so who knows. It just might work. Sink or swim time, baby!! RAWRRRR


I am conducting a new social experiment after my epic 103 dates by using OKC. I am still trying to find the organic root of attraction, but now taking the experiment offline while documenting it still online. You can read more about it here ... and read the rules here.

Special thanks to Effing Gear for sponsoring the experiment!! Check out their location based tees over yonder! They knock my nerdy socks off ... well, only when I'm wearing 'em. OMG OMG NAKED FEET YES!!!


#Nowplaying: Florence + The Machine - Cosmic Love


#Question: How do you, or rather should you (& by you I mean I, of course) take him out of the Friend Zone???