#Randombling: That Nerdy Chick
Randombling: A 5 minute long unedited random stream of consciousness produced by a nerd for nerds.
#nowplaying: Des'ree- You Gotta Be
Got to be bold, Got to be bad
Got to be wise, no never sad
Got to be hard, not too too hard
All I know is love will save the day
Second best thing about comic con - getting to spend the week sleeping in all the new free t-shirts you got! Oh boy oh boy oh boy ... a lot is going on right now nerderinos - and dude, when do I ever NOT have a lot going on, ugh. No joke, this is very literally the busiest I have ever been in my entire life. Like for really reals. I spent the last year figuring out my physical boundaries (being able to walk 11 miles in a 24 hour period with my 40 lb pack on my back - being able to drive for 18 hours at a time, and operating my best from starting at 8am and going until 2am). I'm weird, but I can very literally push myself to extremes because I've tested out what it felt like on the other side of "that line."
My emotional boundaries however, I haven't really tested out. My plate right now is so fucking full - it's redic. I'm still in a holding period to find out about season 2 and 3 for the TV show I filmed back east (which I still can't talk about, but we have a big dinner on Friday, so I'm sure there will be some press announcement, somewhere). My new management is sending me out LITERALLY all over town this week to networks for generals (which are just sit downs where you go, hi my name is Jen ... thhiiiiiiiisssss is my story). On top of that, I'm writing the book on Personal Branding in the For Dummies series. So far, I have the table of contents written - hahaha no joke. I'm so behind, it's not even funny. ANNNNNDDDDD we're also selling the TNTML pilot (fingers crossed) this cycle (which ends at labor day). It's basically going to (hopefully) be sold as a pitch, and then a couple more months go by while I bond with the writer, and bam - we have an official pilot. It's kinda bat shit how much of a crap shoot the entire TV industry is. I really don't know what is going on, but I trust the suits ... really good people man. I'm just going with the flow of it, and showing up when I'm told to. ALLLSSOOOOOOOO, this site in general is in the process of getting funding. Shits about to get real, and I'm talking with a VC duderino that has an interested prospect, but I have to formalize the business plan with this advisor they want on board as well. Again, GREATEST. THING. EVER. The universe is saying to me right now, Hey Jen, you know that dream that you had ... and the now, almost 2 years you've spent living like a vagabond to launch it - well we're about to set you up so you can play. Seriously, pinch me.
All of these sound like the greatest things ever, and I assure you they are - but for me ... Jen, the nerd stirring all of these pots - it's fucking bat shit man. I am very literally running myself ragged. The VC told me at our lunch last week that I can't keep helping out so many people with one offs, and I get it - I do, but I am now realizing that there is a max to 86,400 seconds in the day. I can very literally, and very much in a physical sense only do so much. A really hard pill to swallow when what you do is your passion, and I get emails all day every day with people asking for help in various capacities - I VERY GENUINELY want to help the world with social media, or at least point them in the right direction ... but I can't. People then get mad at you, it's weird. I don't even have an assistant yet to like help me, I am very literally doing all of everything myself. (BTW, I will also be looking for an assistant in the very near future. Paying, obviously - need someone who can also act as an office manager. I won't call you an assistant though, I want your title to be something like Ambassador of Awesome. Willing to play around with it, but I don't ever, want the word assistant to come out of my mouth. I've been every form of every assistant, and the whole peeing on someone does nothing for me. I want you to be able to learn from this experience as well, yada yada. Either way, just email me: JenFriel at TalkNerdyToMeLover D com. I'm gonna pay you super well too, like for reals, almost 1/3 more of what I made starting as an assistant way, way, way, back then FUCKKKKK I'm getting old; I want someone good - really good, and I'm prepared for what that's going to cost.)
I'm tired. I'm in the final stage of scraping by. I am ready. I am awesome. And I can't believe I am awake at 6:30am.
Alrite, gotta jet back to invoicing. Oh, today! I am going to be filming this corporate vid - I'm super stoked, all I have to do is show up, film for 2 hours reading a prompter, and boom - life is bueno. I'm super super super stoked man, I used to do those videos in Florida. They pay really well, and they're super easy to do. Thanks for the opportunity, Jim!!! =) Loves it.
Thanks for changing my life TNTML!!!! Love you so long time ... like so so long time ... like you make me wanna bust out some Bieber and go all Baby, Baby, Baby, on yo' ass!!!!
::nerdy happy dance::