This is happening ...
So, yesterday I started writing my first book - it's on Personal Branding in the For Dummies series. It's totally trippin me out, man. Of course, I say that in the most loving way possible - but this is gonna be GREAT!! It's hard for me breaking every.bit.of.every.thing.down, explaining what it is that I've noticed works - but it's going to be great practice. Ughhhhhhhh, I'm gonna learn so much, and be able to be of service in so many fan-schmastically awesome ways.
SO.SO.SO.SO.SO.SO.SO.SO.SO.SO.SO.SO.SO.SO.SO.SO superly duperly grateful.
When I get in this mood though, and I am under a deadline to write, I haveeeeeeeee to listen to dub. Like, my ADD gets so bad (I'm currently not taking anything for it), that if I don't listen to dub - I feel like I can't breathe. It's weird, I can listen to the same song or the same album 100 times too - it just acts as white noise.
Currently jammin to some Pretty Lights. ENJOOOOYYY sexy lover facessss!!!
For reals though - I've read all three of these books, and they're GREAT!!!!! Totally not just saying that either; they were AWESOME refreshers!!! Check 'em out!! And if you live in LA and wanna borrow them when I'm done writing, be mah guest!!!