#Question on Google+

I've been playing around with google plus for the last few days ... kinda not mad at it. I'm super stoked in general for social media because this is going to light a SERIOUS fire under Twitter and Facebook's ass - no matter what, the nerds are going to benefit. mwahahahahahaahahah


Either way, I've been asking a bunch of questions about it on Twitter, and am going to post the answers that I get in case you guys have the same question! =) yayyyy for the nerds of the world uniting. Here's today's question ...


Super duper rad sauce! Thanks for the answers el nerderinos. I didn't think people could see them, but I was asking someone about it yesterday and was told that they could - I got confused that maybe I was reading something wrong. YAYY!! SO EXCITED!! Thanks everyone!!!


Wanna add me on Google Plus? Here be my page - you know what to do. Let's be besties!!!


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