#NowWatching: Empire Records

I am a huge. huge. huge. fan of the movie Empire Records ... in fact, I might even say it is in my top 10 fav movies of all time.



It's just so classicly 90s. Dude, Liv Tyler in that movie - BEA.UTTIIIFFULLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!


She is an absolutely stunning human being. Yep, total girl crush.

(Tangent: I've seen her at the Hollywood Farmers Market a handful of times, and um yeah - IRL ... even more stunning - as if that is possible. BAH!)


DUDES! have you guys seen the full version of Rex Manning's video? HAHAHAHAAH!! and omg omg omg does he say car phone in the beginning?!?!?

I cannot handle how much I love this movie.

You can totally check it out online by googling "megavideo empire records." But I didn't tell you that, because I only have heard of people doing those things like that - but not me. Ever ... at all ... but it's there, or so I've heard.



PS. Sugar High was totally one of the first MP3s I ever downloaded. I think that was on napster or Kazaa. Thossseeee weeerreee thhheee dayyyyysssssss.


#Randombling: That Nerdy Chick


#WTF: 8 movie special effects you won't believe aren't CGI